Registration Date: Nov. 29, 2008 Last Updated: May. 20, 2011
Business Nature : Manufacturing of Food & Beverage category
Company Brief

Cahaya Tiga Tunggal was established in 1978 in Solo, Central Java, Indonesia. It manufactures vermicelli especially rice vermicelli and corn vermicelli. It combines both manual and automatic processes in producing the vermicelli. Ceret Gelas, Mina Padi are the brand names of the rice vermicelli, while Pioneer is the brand name of the corn vermicelli. Ceret Gelas, Mina Padi and Pioneer vermicelli are sold in traditional markets and a number of supermarket in Indonesia.
Major Products / Services
Cooperation :
- Bihun Jagung Pioneer
Bihun Jagung Pioneer dibuat dengan mesin otomatis sehingga terjamin kebersihannya.
Tersedia dalam beberapa kemasan 80 gram, 340 gram