Pupuk Tablet Gramalet® Jagung
Gramalet® Jagung as a compound fertilizer formulation special, tablet shaped and manufactured specifically corn crop will help farmers get many customers fertilizer nutrients plants need at once. Nutrient content of complete covering primary nutrient ( N, P, K) , secondary nutrient ( Mg, S, Ca) and micro essential nutrient ( Zn, B, Cu, Bo, Mn, Zn, Cl) and presented in tablet form 3 grams ( size 12 mm diameter) , the formula Gramalet® Jagung has been registered at the Ministry of Agriculture T904/ BSP/ II/ 2003.
By using Gramalet® Jagung, fertilizer demand is equivalent to only 35% of the total single dose of fertilizer mixture - farmers used as Urea, SP36 and KCl. Application method is to immerse 3 grams of fertilizer Gramalet® Jagung ( 1 tablet @ 3 grams) in addition to the base of the left and right of maize plants at a depth of about 5 cm from the ground.
Time of fertilization in 0 to 7 HST ( Days After Planting) and recommended to add compost municipal waste natural materials such as compost Phosko Green.
The use of a specific fertilizer Gramalet® Jagung for corn crops been proven to improve the quality of such reduction in aflatoxin content - which is a fungus on corn yield. This aflatoxin fungus other than delays caused by post-harvest processing ( eg drying) , but often also result from an imbalance of nutrient composition of the fertilizer applied to maize cultivation.