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Beijing Morlab Communications Technology Co., Ltd

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Beijing Morlab Communications Technology Co., Ltd
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Beijing Morlab Communications Technology Co., Ltd


Being a pioneer in telecommunication certification arena and after forming strategic alliances with Shenzhen Electronic Test Center ( SET) , Morlab now offers a wide range of GSM/ GPRS/ 3G testing and certifications services. The telecommunication lab in Shenzhen Morlab itself is ISO/ IEC17025 certified ( issue no: L1659) , by China National Accreditation Board for Laboratories ( CNAL) in August 2004. On top of that, China Measurement Accreditation ( CMA) also accredited Morlab ( issue no: H2402) in 2004.Our partner, SET, on the other hand, has extensive experiences in CCEE, CE, and UL certifications. Since May 2002, they have also done a great deal of CCC certifications. As a result of this strong-strong alliance, we have turned into one of the global leading telecommunication laboratories highly honored by our clients and the local supervisory government.
To react to the market promptly, especially in telecom industries where product lifecycle is extremely short, companies are hunger for a minimized product launching time. In response to that, Morlab offers one-stop testing and certification services, ranging from 2G/ 3G capability conformance testing to technical consultancy services, making sure our clientsâ € ™ products are ready when their markets are. And when our clients want to go global, our GCF, PTCRB, FCC ( registration number 261302) , CE, CCC, UL, SAR certification services will come in handy. Our Beijing branch, Morlab Beijing, is the mere agent of German ORGA Test Systems in China who sales and supports SIM-ME type approval/ monitoring tools such as IT3 and SIM Editor. Our Smart Card division offers JAVA application testing services as well as develops JAVA card security testing tools.
To better serve our worldwide clients, Morlab not only set up our own network of test labs and agents in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Seoul and Taipei, but we have also established partnerships and formed alliances with many other well-known testing laboratories around the world.

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