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BEFINDO , Jual Gps GARMIN, Gps MAGELAN, Sounder GARMIN, HT, Radio, Rig, HF/ SSB ICOM, VHF, UHF MOTOROLA, ALINCO, YAESU, Telephone Satelit R190, Radar, Sounder, Gps FURUNO, Navtex , Sart, Ais, Epirb SAMYUNG, Kompas, Altimeter, Clinometer SUUNTO, Harga Deal

Priority Member Indomonster Priority
15th Year
BEFINDO ,  Jual Gps GARMIN,  Gps MAGELAN,  Sounder GARMIN,  HT,  Radio,  Rig,  HF/ SSB ICOM,  VHF,  UHF MOTOROLA,  ALINCO,  YAESU,  Telephone Satelit R190,  Radar,  Sounder,  Gps FURUNO,  Navtex ,  Sart,  Ais,  Epirb SAMYUNG,  Kompas,  Altimeter,  Clinometer SUUNTO,  Harga Deal
BEFINDO , Jual Gps GARMIN, Gps MAGELAN, Sounder GARMIN, HT, Radio, Rig, HF/ SSB ICOM, VHF, UHF MOTOROLA, ALINCO, YAESU, Telephone Satelit R190, Radar, Sounder, Gps FURUNO, Navtex , Sart, Ais, Epirb SAMYUNG, Kompas, Altimeter, Clinometer SUUNTO, Harga Deal



Tlp : 021 - 8071.9988 / 8071.9977
Fax : 021 - 6386 1521
HP : 0812.8276.8888 / 0812.8276.7777
Contact Person : BERNARD / FREDDY
YM : befindo@yahoo / befindomarketing@yahoo
WEB : www.befindo.com
Email : befindo@yahoo / befindomarketing@yahoo
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  • HT Motorola Gp 2000 VHF dan UHF Murah dan Bergaransi

    HT Motorola Gp 2000....


    Motorola GP2000 is sleek and compact for portability, yet packed with features for added value. Ideal for manufacturing, hotels, retail and other service industries.

  • HT Motorola Gp 3188 VHF dan UHF Murah dan Bergaransi

    HT Motorola Gp 3188....


    The GP3188 is Motorolaâ € ™ s latest portable Two-Way Radio, featuring extended talktime of 19 hours on low power and 14 hours on high power for high productivity. The lightweight....

  • HT Motorola Gp 328 VHF dan UHF Murah dan Bergaransi

    HT Motorola Gp 328....


    The GP328 is the practical Two-Way radio solution for professionals who need to stay in contact. This practical radio increases productivity by streamlining your radio use.

  • HT Motorola Gp 338 VHF dan UHF Murah dan Bergaransi

    HT Motorola Gp 338....


    The 128-Channel GP338 is essential for growing organisations because of its unique versatility. Whatever your profession, this is the radio that grows with you.

  • HT Motorola Gp 338 Plus VHF dan UHF Murah dan Bergaransi

    HT Motorola Gp 338....


    Compact, Light and Rugged
    Compact and instant communication is important to many operations, as is the ability to be mobile and move freely without being weighed down by your....

  • Walkie Talkie Motorola T5500,  5720 Murah dan Berkualitas

    Walkie Talkie....


    The Motorola T5500 two way radio supports all 22 FRS and GMRS channels with 38 interference eliminator codes. The T5500 has a maximum range of 8 miles on the GMRS channels. This....

  • HT Motorola Gp 328 Plus VHF dan UHF Murah dan Bergaransi

    HT Motorola Gp 328....


    Compact, Light and Rugged
    Compact and instant communication is important to many operations, as is the ability to be mobile and move freely without being weighed down by your....

  • HT Motorola Cp 1660 VHF dan UHF Murah dan Bergaransi

    HT Motorola Cp 1660....


    Ideal for light manufacturing, retail, hospitality and real estate management, the Motorola CP1660 commercial radio brings you quality features you need at a competitive price.

  • HT Motorola PTX 700 Murah dan Bergaransi

    HT Motorola PTX 700....


    Compatible with MPT1327 trunked networks, the PTX700 is an affordable, rugged and reliable communication solution that enables users to increase work productivity with ease. This....

  • HT Motorola PTX 760 Murah dan Bergaransi

    HT Motorola PTX 760....


    Designed for use in the MPT1327 trunked network, the PTX760 is essential for growing organizations because of its high adaptability in meeting the changing communication needs of....

  • HT Motorola MTX 900 Murah dan Bergaransi

    HT Motorola MTX 900....


    MTX900 non-keypad radio is the affordable communication solution for professionals who require a rugged and reliable radio to keep in touch. It enhances productivity and keeps....

  • HT Motorola MTX 960 Murah dan Bergaransi

    HT Motorola MTX 960....


    In todayâ € ™ s dynamic environment, effective & instant communications are critical to the success of your business. Whether you are targeting to improve your operating efficiency, ....

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