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Barasat Centre for the Development of the Distressed Women

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Barasat Centre for the Development of the Distressed Women
Barasat Centre for the Development of the Distressed Women
Company Profile
Company Contact
Name:Mr. A.K. DAS [Administrative]
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mr. A.K. DAS at Kolkata
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. A.K. DAS at Kolkata
Address:Shanti Niloy, Poddar Road,Noapara,PO-Barasat,District-North 24 Pgs,
Kolkata 700124, West Bengal
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Jun. 16, 2009
Business Nature:Manufacturing, Trade, Service of Security & Protection category

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Company Brief

We are a NGO registered on 06th August, 2004 under the West Bengal Societies Registration Act, 1961 with the following objectives to help the distressed women of India to be self sufficient doing several jobs / works. The main objectives are-
1) To assist and undertake constructive activities to the distressed women in bringing about self-reliance for the welfare of the women on voluntary self-help and democratic basis;
2) To provide a common forum for socio-economic development and advancement through women' s efforts;
3) To work for the happiness of the needy women for their primary needs such as food, cloth, education, etc.
4) To arrange for training in sewing, embroidery, boutique, garment making, needlework by the qualified trainers so as to enable the women-folk to earn their livelihood;
5) To establish and maintain basic and adult education center to remove the illeteracy among the women,
6) To participate effectively in the programmes of literacy, social education, child care at the village level;
7) To arrange for training on Beautician courses to the women by the qualified trainers;
8) To arrange courses for Mushrooms cultivation and Gift items manufacturing to make the women as earning member in their family;
9) To impart and develop social awareness among the illiterate women by organizing awareness camp;
10) To aware the women about their health and to arrange free medical treatment to the needy patients by the qualified doctors;
11) To arrange and organize seminars, rally, camps to make the women conscious against AIDS / HIV;
12) To do all such other things as may be deemed incidental or conductive to the attainment of the foregoing objects by COMPUTER TRAINING and other assistance.
The founder President of this NGO is Mrs.Neeva Das ( A qualified Beautician and a Registered Artisan of Ministry of Textiles, Government of India ) and Founder Secretary is Mr.Ashoke Kumar Das, an Ex-Bank executive and Consultant on Immigration to abroad/ Income Tax/ Bank Loans/ VAT and Marketing.
We do not accept any subcription, but we can receive any donation from welwishers to enable us to achive our above goals.

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