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CUNG' S ART [ Bali Nameplate & Woodcarving]
CUNG' S ART [ Bali Nameplate & Woodcarving]
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Kotak Perhiasan Kupu Kecil

Price : Rp.30.000

this box is a jawellry box, made of dark ebony wood, carved with balinese decoration carving.
the size is 10x10 deepth of 5cm
Kotak Perhiasan Motif Penyu 20cm

Price : Rp.60.000

this box is made of tropical dark ebony wood, with balinese carving of turtle style.
the size is approximately 10x20 cm, with depth of 5cm.
Kotak Pensil Motif Batik

Price : Rp.30.000

this pencil box is made of tropical ebony wood with balinese carving.
the size is approximately 20x3x3 cm.
Kotak Motif Kupu-Kupu 20 cm

Price : Rp.60.000

This jawelry box size approximately 20 cm lenght, 10 cm wide, and 5cm on depth.it is made of dark ebony wood, carved with butterfly design.
nice for gift, or own collection.
Kotak Motif Gajah 20 cm

Price : Rp.60.000

This jawelry box is made of dark ebony wood, carved with balinese elephant stile carving.the box size approximately 20 cm on lenght, 10 on wide and 5 cm on depth.
Kotak Motif Naga 20cm

Price : Rp.60.000

this box is made of tropical ebony wood.the size approximately 20 cm on length, 10 cm on wide, and depth of 5 cm.with balinese simple design of dragon carving, this box is nice....
Kotak Motif Ukiran Bali 20cm

Price : Rp.60.000

this box is made of tropical ebony wood, carved with balinese simple carving.the box size is approximately 20 cm on length, 10 cm on wide, and depth of 5 cm.this box is nice for....