Specification :
Synonyms]:Sodium tripolyphosphate
[Chemical formula]: Na5P3O10
[Molecular weight]: 367.86
[Properties]: White microdot powder with luster, melting point at 622¡æ, easily soluble in water, with remarkable chelating ability to some metal ions such as Ca2+, Mg2+, can soften hard water, change suspension into solution, alkalescent, without causticity.
[Uses]:Used as main auxiliary of synthetic wash, soap synergistic agent, water softener, leather pre-tanning agent, dye auxiliary agent, and dispersant of suspension such as paint, kaolin, magnesium oxide, calcium carbonate drilling mud, preservative agent for paper making, organic synthesis catalyzer, and used in epuration of petroleum product, gum latex storage, as dispersant, solvent in metal industry and pharmaceutical industry, also widely used in gum synthesis, foodstuff industry, and poultry process.
[Standard executed]£º GB 9983-88
Specifications Food Grade
Techinical grade Food grade
Maincontent, as H3PO4.CO(NH2)2.min 94 94
Phosphorus pentoxide, as P2O5.min 57 57.0
PH of 1% water solution. _9.2-10.0 9.2-10.0
Water insoluble. max 0.1 0.05
Iron, as Fe. max 0.015 0.01
Chloride, as Cl. max _0.025
Arsenic, as As. max _0.0003
Heavy metal, as Pb. max _0.01
Fluoride, as F. max _0.003
act: Zhou Xianbin M.P :13881000177
TEL :0838-8605198 FAX :0838-8604637
QQ: 767725249 MSN:zxbbs@hotmail.com
Email:zxbbs017@126.com http://www.scxbs.com
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