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Produk Mesin Absensi

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  • Mesin Absensi Sidik Jari X628

    Mesin Absensi Sidik....

    Rp. 3.800.000,-

    - FingerPrint, Password
    - Verification Mode: 1: 1, 1: N
    - Scan Time: < 2.0 Seconds
    - User: 1.500
    - Transaction Log: 30.000
    - Communication: RS-232 / TCP-IP / USB
    - Language: ....

  • Mesin Absensi Sidik Jari H3

    Mesin Absensi Sidik....

    Rp. 2.000.000,-

    - User Recognition: 1 Second
    - User: 500
    - Transaction Log: 30.000
    - Algorithm Version Bio vx10.0
    - Built in USB ports for communications
    - Multi language support
    - Built in....

  • Mesin Absensi Sidik Jari S203

    Mesin Absensi Sidik....

    Rp. 3.800.000,-

    - User capacity: 30.000
    - Transaction Logs: 50.000
    - Communication: RS-232, TCP/ IP, USB
    - 10cm Proximity Reader + LCD inside
    - Identification: Standalone proximity card, ....

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