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DUNGS PRODUCTS for monitor and control safe gas consumption.

Mechanical, pneumatic and electronic system components for atmospheric and forced-air burner-heater units, condensing burners, forced-air burners, gas-fired motors and industrial, heating production processes and combustion systems. Our products include multifunctional fittings such as gas/ air ratio control systems, and thermal management based on microprocessor-controlled automatic burner controls.

Burner Management Systems / Automatic Burner Controls,
Domestic Gas Controls & Oil Controls
Pressure regulators
Pressure switches
Solenoid valves
GasMultiBloc / Double solenoid valves
Valve proving systems
System engineering / Gas trains
Ball valves, Filters, Motor butterfly valve, Actuators.
Accessories: Manometers, CPI' s, Test burners, Pilot burners.

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