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Densei Lambda Indonesia

Unit Type Power supply / PC Board Type Power Supply
Power Module / On-Board Power.
System Power Supply
Modular WattBox, Programmable 1U DC Power Supply ( Genesys) , Zero-up CVCC Power Supply ( ZUP)
Noise Filter.

For more information and reservations please contact :

Distributor, Agent, Sales, Installation and Training.
Jakarta - Indonesia

Contact Person: Selly / Novy
Address: Jl. Pahlawan Revolusi No. 22B
Jakarta Timur
Phone. + 021 8611 259, 0858 8394 6322, 0813 8742 8586, 0818 0792 1177.
Fax : + 62-21-8611 207
EMAIL : sales@ automationindo.com

Website : www.automationindo.com

Visit our Web-tool for your company' s tools and hardware.
Or please contact the sales consultants, our Hotline at ( 021) 8611444
we will try to help you provide information in making purchasing decisions you or your company needs.

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