Indomonster Priority15th Year
Infrared transmitter Send the audio signal to a radiator Distribution of 4, 8, 16, 32 channel audio FEATURES Can be used with DCN System / digital signal or analog system CCS 900 Flexible configuration and mode selection signal quality for an efficient distribution Transmitter and system configuration can be seen from the display and is operated by rotary switch Modulating audio signal into the carrier wave and transmitted to the radiator in the room FUNCTION Mode for the distribution of music signal on all channels during breaks Slave mode for the distribution of signals from other transmitters Test mode produces a different frequency for each channel test Sensitivity settings for each input to produce a good signal level Equipped with infrared red radiator for audio monitoring Each transmitter can be given a name for multi-transmitter system Display radiator and system status indication Auto standby function Synchronization on the channel to use the system or DCN DCN system CONTROL AND INDICATORS 2x16 character LCD display for status information Rotary switch Power on / off Model Bosch transmitter INT-TX04 4 channel transmitter INT-TX08 8 channel transmitter INT-TX16 16 channel transmitter INT-TX32 32 channel transmitter infrared | transmitter | modulators | Infrared sensor | receiver transmitter | Wireless transmitter | Wireless transmitter | wireless receivers | Infrared LED | Infrared systems | wireless conference system | digital conferencing system | congress system | wireless microphone transmitter | bodypack transmitter | meeting systems | infrared conference