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    Proposal Development Early Childhood Education ( early childhood) As shahida Tawheed Foundation



    1. Institution Profile
    Name: As shahida Tawheed Foundation

    Address: 6 Market Road Trimurti Hamlet V Bandar klippa Village, district. Percut Sei Tuan, Kab. Deli Serdang, North Sumatra, Medan, Indonesia, HP. 0813 9625 6583-0852 9618 9700

    Handling field: Education, Jammat Da' wa, the Assembly Dhikr, Islam Treatment

    Focus handling: The provision of educational scholarships and aid the establishment of free schools for early childhood

    Institutions function: Developmental ( building potential of the community)

    Implementing Daily: Muhammad Al Amin Budiono

    2. Picture of socio-economic conditions and problems facing the community goals of social action
    Level of community participation for Indonesia in the field of early childhood education is very low. When compared with Vietnam has reached 43 percent, the Philippines 27 percent, Thailand 86 percent, and Malaysia 89 percent. In Indonesia in 2005-2006 only about 10.10 percent of the total 28 million children aged 0-6 years are absorbed in sekotr education.

    A total of 73 percent or 20.4 million children do not get early childhood education. The rest, 27 percent or 7.5 million children have experienced early childhood education such as literacy and numeracy conducted non-formal institutions, including play groups and day care centers ( TPA) ( Media Indonesia, July 10, 2006) .

    Low levels of community participation in the pattern of pre-school education largely due to the influence of poverty inherent in most communities in Indonesia. High poverty rates caused many families who have difficulty in sending their children especially at the level of pre-school education ( early childhood) . Therefore we need an effort to overcome these problems.

    As shahida Tawheed Foundation as the Institute who helped run the government ( especially the Ministry of National Education) in addressing the issue was important to focus efforts in improving the level of participation of the poor in pre-school education ( early childhood) . So far, the institute has opened sekMadarasah MDA levels, TPA. However, problems emerged later was that it was not only the physical facilities needed by the community, but also required the efforts of community empowerment that will become a personnel manager of the educational facilities. One form is to empower communities ( especially the mother and members of posyandu) around as a lecturer at alternative schools in some areas.


    Children aged 4-6 years were part of early childhood that are in the age range birth to 6 years. At this age the terminology referred to as preschoolers. Development of intelligence in this period increased from 50% to 80% . In addition, based on the results of research / studies conducted by the Center for Curriculum, Education Balitbang 1999 showed that almost in all aspects of the development of children entering kindergarten have higher ability than children who do not enter kindergarten in the first grade elementary school. Data repetition rate in 2001/ 2002 to 10.85% for class I, class II by 6.68% , 5.48% for class III, class IV at 4.28, 2.92% for class V and class IV of 0.42% . The data illustrate that the repetition rate in grade I and II are higher than any other class.

    It is estimated that children who repeat classes are children who do not enter preschool education before entering elementary school. They are children who have not prepared and not prepared by her parents to enter elementary school. The existence of large differences between the pattern of education in schools and in homes that do not cause the child to enter kindergarten education ( preschool) suffered a surprise strike schools and their school or not able to adjust so it can not develop optimally. This shows the importance of efforts to develop the full potential of preschoolers.

    4-6 years of age, is a sensitive period for children. Sensitive to the child began to receive various development efforts around the potential of children. Sensitive period is the period of maturation of the functions of physical and psychic who are ready to respond to stimulation provided by the environment. This period is a time to lay the first foundation in developing the physical abilities, cognitive, language, social, emotional, self-concept, discipline, independence, art, morals, and religious values. Therefore necessary stimulation conditions and in accordance with the needs of the child to child growth and development achieved optimally.

    The role of educators ( parents, teachers and other adults) is indispensable in the development potential of children 4-6 years old. Development efforts must be done through play activities while learning or learning while playing. By playing children have the opportunity to explore, discover, express feelings, be creative, fun learning. Also play helps children to know himself, others and the environment. On the basis of the above, then the curriculum is developed and compiled based on stages of child development to develop the full potential of children.

    II. Early childhood ( Early Childhood Education)

    Early childhood development is a container intended for children from the age of emapt year to six years of age conducted through the provision of educational stimulation to assist the growth and development physically and mentally so that children have a readiness in entering further education. Basically there are five key early childhood services that can be identified in Indonesia, in summary can be viewed as follows:


    a. Function

    PAUD function is:

    a. Introduce regulations and instill discipline in children.

    b. Introduce children to the world around.

    c. Cultivate a good attitude and behavior.

    d. Develop the ability to communicate and socialize.

    e. Develop the skills, creativity and capabilities of children.

    f. Preparing children to enter primary education ( literacy)

    b. Destination

    Helping students develop a range of both psychological and physical potential that includes moral and religious values, social emotional, cognitive, language, physical / motor skills, independence and the arts to be ready to enter primary education.

    c. Target

    Targets to be achieved through early childhood include:

    Children can adjust the self to face the next education
    Children have ethics in the association
    Children can socialize themselves

    The scope covers aspects of early childhood development:

    1. Moral and Religious Values.

    2. Social, Emotional and Independence.

    3. Speaking Ability.

    4. Cognitive.

    5. Physical / motor, and

    6. Art.

    1. Development of Formation Behavior through habituation

    Formation behavior through habituation is an activity performed continuously and is in the child' s everyday life that it becomes a good habit. Areas of development include the establishment of habituation behavior through the development of moral and religious values, as well as social development, emotional and self-reliance. Of course the moral development and religious values are expected to increase the devotion of children to God Almighty and to foster attitudes of children in order to lay the groundwork for children to become good citizens. Social development and self-sufficiency program meant to foster children in order to control his emotions naturally and can interact with each other and with adults very well and can help themselves in the context of life skills.

    2. Development of Basic Capabilities

    Development of basic skills is an activity that was prepared by the teacher to enhance the ability and creativity in accordance with the stages of child development. Development of basic skills include:

    a. Language skills.

    The development is intended that children are able to express thoughts through simple language appropriately, able to communicate effectively and intriguing to be able to speak Indonesian.

    b. Cognitive.

    This development aims to develop the thinking skills of children to be able to process the acquisition of learning, can find a variety of alternative solutions, helping children to develop mathematical logic skills and knowledge of space and time, and have the ability to sort through, organize and prepare the development of thinking skills meticulous.

    c. Physical / motor.

    This development aims to introduce and train the coarse and fine movements, improving the ability to manage, control of body movement and coordination, as well as improving skills and ways of living a healthy body so as to support the growth of a strong body, healthy and skilled.

    d. Art.

    The development is intended that the child can and is able to create something based on the results of his imagination, develop sensitivity, and can appreciate the creative work.


    Competencies across the curriculum is competency skills for life and lifelong learning, and life skills necessary to achieve the full potential of children in life. Competence is a standardized competency to be achieved by the children through their learning experience. This competency standard covers:

    Have confidence, realize and exercise their rights and obligations, mutual respect and give a sense of security, in accordance with their religion.
    Using language to understand, develop and communicate ideas and information, as well as to interact with others.
    Selecting, combining, and applying the concepts and techniques, patterns, structures, and relationships.
    Choosing, finding and implementing the necessary technology and information from various sources.
    Understand and appreciate the physical world, sentient beings and technology, as well as receipts of knowledge, skills, and values to make the right decision.
    Participate, interact and play an active role in society and global culture based on understanding the context of cultural, geographical and historical.
    Create and appreciate works of artistic, cultural, and intellectual and noble values apply to increasing personal maturity towards a civilized society.
    Thinking logically, critically, and laterally by taking into account the potential and opportunities to confront the various possibilities.
    Demonstrate motivation in learning, confidence, work independently and cooperate with others.

    1. Learning Approach

    Approach to learning in preschool education be carried out based on a program of activities that have been arranged so that all the behaviors and basic skills that exist in children can be developed with the best. Approach to learning in kindergarten children and the RA shall observe the following principles:

    a. Learning-oriented principles of child development, namely:

    Children learn best when their physical needs are met and to feel psychologically safe and secure.
    Child' s learning cycle is always repeated.
    Children learn through social interaction with adults and other children.
    Interest and curiosity of children will motivate learning.
    Child development and learning should pay attention to individual differences.
    b. Oriented Needs Children

    Learning activities in children should always be oriented to the needs of children. Early childhood is children who are in need of educational efforts to achieve the optimization of all aspects of development of both physical and psychological development ( intellectual, language, motor, and socio-emotional) . Thus various types of learning activities should be conducted through a needs analysis tailored to the various aspects of development and abilities of each child.

    c. Play While Learning or Learning While Playing

    Play is an approach in implementing the learning activities for children kindergarten age and RA. Education efforts provided by the educator should be done in a pleasant situation by using the strategies, methods, materials / ingredients and the media are attractive and easy to follow by the child. Through play children are invited to explore, discover and use objects that are close to the child, so that learning becomes meaningful for children. Children' s play is to explore the creative process, can learn new skills and be able to use symbols to describe his world. When playing them build understanding relating to the experience. Educators have a crucial role in the development of child' s play.

    d. Using a Thematic Approach

    Learning activities should be designed using a thematic approach and depart from the theme that interests the child. Themes as a tool / vehicle or container to introduce various concepts in children. The theme is given with the aim of:

    • Aligning curriculum content in a single unified whole.

    • Enrich the vocabulary of children.

    If the learning is done by utilizing the theme, then the selection of themes in the learning activities should be developed from the things closest to the child, simple, and attract children. The use of the theme is so that children are able to recognize the various concepts easily and clearly.

    e. Creative and Innovative

    Processes are creative and innovative learning can be done by educators through activities that attract, arouse the curiosity of children, motivating kids to think critically and discover new things. Also in the management of learning should be done dynamically. This means that children not only as objects but as subjects in the learning process.

    f. Enabling Environments

    Learning environment must be created in such interesting and enjoyable so that children always feel at home in the school environment both inside and outside the room. The physical environment should pay attention to safety and comfort of the child in play. Spatial planning should be tailored to the child in the play space so that the good interaction with educators and with friends can be done democratically. In addition, the learning environment should be empowered as a source of learning by providing opportunities for children to express their interpersonal skills so that children feel happy even though they are different between ( individual differences) . Environment should not separate children from their cultural values that is by not distinguishing values learned at home and at school or in the neighborhood. Educators must be sensitive to the cultural characteristics of each child.

    g. Developing Life Skills

    The learning process should be directed to develop life skills. Development of life skills based on the concept of habituation-conditioning which has a goal to develop self-help skills, discipline and socialization as well as acquire basic skills that are useful for survival.

    2. Appraisal

    Assessment can be done in various ways, including through observation and anecdotal records. Observations made to determine the development and attitudes of children are done by observing the child' s behavior in everyday life continuously, while the recording is a collection of anecdotal notes about the attitudes and behaviors of children in certain situations. A variety of assessment tools that can be used to obtain a child' s developmental skills and behavior, among others:

    Portfolio assessment is based on the collection of the work of children who can describe the extent of child' s skills develop.
    Performance ( performance) is an assessment that requires children to perform tasks in acts that can be observed, for example the practice of singing, sports, demonstrate something.
    Assignment ( Project) is to work on children who require a relatively long time in the process. For example to experiment planting seeds.
    The work of ( Product) is the result of a child after doing an activity.

    This temporary location is on the road Trimurti V Hamlet Village Market 6 Bandar Klippa, district. Percut Sei Tuan, Kab. Deli Serdang. Medan, Indonesia. And will be open in the area - other areas of community among the poor.


    Targets early childhood activities are children who come from poor families


    Early childhood activities carried out in accordance with the schedule of teaching and learning activities based on rules set by government


    The budget that we need more or less 400 million on the land area of 400 square feet


    BANK BCA No. Rek: 8115060801, A / N. Budiono

    BANKS BNI recs No.: 0219874971 A / N: Mr.. Budiono

    INDEPENDENT BANK No. Rek: 106-00-0995273-3 A / N: Budiono

    BANK BRI No Rek: 3344-01-030645-53-6 A / N: Budiono

    0813 9625 6583, by typing: + CITY NAME + NUMBER OF BANK TRANSFERS + NO THEN SEND TO ABOVE.


    Thus this proposal we made. Hope we realize the vision of ' Building Character Generation " in this country, can be done with the best that can provide benefits to children of the nation. Finally, only to Allah the Most Gracious, we return all affairs. May Allah ease the affairs of His servants who want to do good to others.

    Medan, August 2011

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