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ASPAC SAFETY ( asia pacific safety )

Cheetah Safety Shoes

Cheetah Safety Shoes
CHEETAH Safety Shoes tipe POLYURETHANE dan NITRILLE merupakan senyawa kimia yang berkembang menjadi seperti bahan karet, yang memberikan penyerapan kedalam luar biasa dan sol sangat ringan ,tahan kimia dan anti slip .sole yang dicetak dan disuntikkan langsung ke bagian atasnya sepatu menghasilkan kwalitas yang baik dan sangat nyaman diterapkan pada telapak kaki untuk keterangan produk dan pesanan barang hubungi Ibu.Desynta Tel.021-2680-7730. 2680-7731 Fax.021-2664-6505 SMS ; 021-9300-4300 email ; aspacsafety@gmail.com
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  • CHEETAH D123PU Safety Shoes

    CHEETAH D123PU....

    Hubungi Tel.021-2680-7730 . 2680-7731 Fax. 021-2664-6505

    Working safety shoe for toe protection of CHEETAH Type' s brand: D123PU made from leather and palm takes in PU materials Is options made in Indonesia with best quality. bate to....

  • CHEETAH D3001PU Black Safety Shoes

    CHEETAH D3001PU....

    Hubungi Tel.021-2680-7730 . 2680-7731 Fax..021-2664-6505

    Working safety shoe for toe protection of CHEETAH Type' s brand: D3001PU Black made from leather and palm takes in PU materials Is options made in Indonesia with best quality.....

  • CHEETAH D102PU Browm Safety Shoes

    CHEETAH D102PU Browm....

    Hubungi Tel.021-2680-7730 . 2680-7731 Fax..021-2664-6505

    Working safety shoe for toe protection of CHEETAH Type' s brand: D102PU Brown made from leather and palm takes in PU materials Is options made in Indonesia with best quality. bate....

  • CHEETAH D103PU Browm Safety Shoes

    CHEETAH D103PU Browm....

    Hubungi Tel.021-2680-7730 . 2680-7731 Fax..021-2664-6505

    Working safety shoe for toe protection of CHEETAH Type' s brand: D103PU Brown made from leather and palm takes in PU materials Is options made in Indonesia with best quality. bate....

  • CHEETAH D104PU Brown Safety Shoes

    CHEETAH D104PU Brown....

    Hubungi Tel.021-2680-7730 . 2680-7731 Fax. 021-2664-6505

    Working safety shoe for toe protection of CHEETAH Type' s brand: D104PU Brown made from leather and palm takes in PU materials Is options made in Indonesia with best quality. bate....

  • CHEETAH D106PU Brown Safety Shoes

    CHEETAH D106PU Brown....

    Hubungi Tel.021-2680-7730 . 2680-7731 Fax. 021-2664-6505

    Working safety shoe for toe protection of CHEETAH Type' s brand: D106PU Brown made from leather and palm takes in PU materials Is options made in Indonesia with best quality. bate....

  • CHEETAH D108PU Brown Safety Shoes

    CHEETAH D108PU Brown....

    Hubungi Tel.021-2680-7730 . 2680-7731 Fax. 021-2664-6505

    Working safety shoe for toe protection of CHEETAH Type' s brand: D108PU Boot Brown made from leather and palm takes in PU materials Is options made in Indonesia with best quality.....

  • CHEETAH D110PU Brown Safety Shoes

    CHEETAH D110PU Brown....

    Hubungi Tel.021-2680-7730 . 2680-7731 Fax. 021-2664-6505

    Working safety shoe for toe protection of CHEETAH Type' s brand: D110PU Brown made from leather and palm takes in PU materials Is options made in Indonesia with best quality. bate....

  • CHEETAH D111PU Brown Safety Shoes

    CHEETAH D111PU Brown....

    Hubungi Tel.021-2680-7730 . 2680-7731 Fax. 021-2664-6505

    Working safety shoe for toe protection of CHEETAH Type' s brand: D111PU Brown made from leather and palm takes in PU materials Is options made in Indonesia with best quality. bate....

  • CHEETAH D112PU Safety Shoes

    CHEETAH D112PU....

    Hubungi Tel.021-2680-7730 . 2680-7731 Fax. 021-2664-6505

    Working safety shoe for toe protection of CHEETAH Type' s brand: D112PU made from leather and palm takes in PU materials Is options made in Indonesia with best quality. bate to....

  • CHEETAH D3002PU H Safety Shoes

    CHEETAH D3002PU H....

    Hubungi Tel.021-2680-7730 . 2680-7731 Fax. 021-2664-6505

    Working safety shoe for toe protection of CHEETAH Type' s brand: D3002PU H made from leather and palm takes in PU materials Is options made in Indonesia with best quality. bate to....

  • CHEETAH D109PU Boot Safety Shoes

    CHEETAH D109PU Boot....

    Hubungi Tel.021-2680-7730 . 2680-7731 Fax. 021-2664-6505

    Working safety shoe for toe protection of CHEETAH Type' s brand: D109PU Boot made from leather and palm takes in PU materials Is options made in Indonesia with best quality. bate....

  • CHEETAH 177 Nitrille sole Safety Shoes

    CHEETAH 177 Nitrille....

    Hubungi Tel.021-2680-7730 . 2680-7731 Fax. 021-2664-6505

    Working safety shoe for toe protection of CHEETAH Type' s brand: 177 Nitrille Sole made from leather and palm takes in Nitrille materials Is options made in Indonesia with best....

  • CHEETAH 178 Nitrille sole Safety Shoes

    CHEETAH 178 Nitrille....

    Hubungi Tel.021-2680-7730 . 2680-7731 Fax. 021-2664-6505

    Working safety shoe for toe protection of CHEETAH Type' s brand: 178 Nitrille Sole made from leather and palm takes in Nitrille materials Is options made in Indonesia with best....

  • CHEETAH 179 Nitrille sole Safety Shoes

    CHEETAH 179 Nitrille....

    Hubungi Tel.021-2680-7730 . 2680-7731 Fax. 021-2664-6505

    Working safety shoe for toe protection of CHEETAH Type' s brand: 179 Nitrille Sole made from leather and palm takes in Nitrille materials Is options made in Indonesia with best....

  • CHEETAH 180 Nitrille sole Safety Shoes

    CHEETAH 180 Nitrille....

    Hubungi Tel.021-2680-7730 . 2680-7731 Fax. 021-2664-6505

    Working safety shoe for toe protection of CHEETAH Type' s brand: 180 Nitrille Sole made from leather and palm takes in Nitrille materials Is options made in Indonesia with best....

  • CHEETAH 181 Nitrille sole Safety Shoes

    CHEETAH 181 Nitrille....

    Hubungi Tel.021-2680-7730 . 2680-7731 Fax. 021-2664-6505

    Working safety shoe for toe protection of CHEETAH Type' s brand: 181 Nitrille Sole made from leather and palm takes in Nitrille materials Is options made in Indonesia with best....

  • CHEETAH 182 Nitrille sole Safety Shoes

    CHEETAH 182 Nitrille....

    Hubungi Tel.021-2680-7730 . 2680-7731 Fax. 021-2664-6505

    Working safety shoe for toe protection of CHEETAH Type' s brand: 182 Nitrille Sole made from leather and palm takes in Nitrille materials Is options made in Indonesia with best....

  • CHEETAH 183 Nitrille sole Safety Shoes

    CHEETAH 183 Nitrille....

    Hubungi Tel.021-2680-7730 . 2680-7731 Fax. 021-2664-6505

    Working safety shoe for toe protection of CHEETAH Type' s brand: 183 Nitrille Sole made from leather and palm takes in Nitrille materials Is options made in Indonesia with best....

  • CHEETAH 184 Nitrille sole Safety Shoes

    CHEETAH 184 Nitrille....

    Hubungi Tel.021-2680-7730 . 2680-7731 Fax. 021-2664-6505

    Working safety shoe for toe protection of CHEETAH Type' s brand: 184 Nitrille Sole made from leather and palm takes in Nitrille materials Is options made in Indonesia with best....

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