CV. Ardean Mandiri
Our company is a partner Cardig Express Malang and surrounding areas.
Engaged in the Transport of Goods, Travel and Tourism Agency
For handling day-care / delivery of goods and goals surrounding Malang and please entrust us to serve you.
Ardean Mandiri :
Malang :
Pic. Dedy Christiyanto
Telp. : 0341-70 888 40, 0341-495 389,
Mobile : 999 00 72, 0813 8844 6826, PIC. Rahayu Telp. 0813 3493 3166
Surabaya :
PIC. Agus Prawoto
telp. 031-92606354, 081357276464
PIC. Bakrul Arifianto
telp. 031-91010108, 031-77326326 |