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Name:Dr. Oliver GESCHKE [Director/CEO/General Manager]
E-mail:Send Message
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Dr. Oliver GESCHKE at Copenhagen N
Phone Number:Phone number of Dr. Oliver GESCHKE at Copenhagen N
Address:Ole Maaløes Vej 3
Copenhagen N 2200
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Aug. 29, 2011
Business Nature:Manufacturing of Environment category

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Company Brief

Aquaporin is a Danish cleantech company located in Copenhagen.

Aquaporin is dedicated to revolutionising water purification by means of industrial biotech techniques and thinking. The use of biotechnological principles in a technological context is a novel upcoming field with large commercial perspectives. Denmark has taken an early global lead in this market.

The main strategy is to develop the Aquaporin Insideâ „ ¢ technology capable of separating and purifying water from all other compounds. Primary market focus includes ultra pure water ( UPW) used in extreme applications such as medico, biotech, in the production of semiconductors and flat panels and other industrial purposes. Secondary market focus includes desalination of seawater and pressure retarded osmosis applications.

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