Specification :
Habbatussaudah (black cumin) on the Tutankhamen tomb found in Greece Kuno.Menurut research Germany (1990) Habbatussaudah mengndung over 100 types of different active chemicals in the over 100 types of penyakit.Artinya Habbatussaudah can cure more than 100 kinds of diseases.
He said: "Verily Habbatussaudah cure many kinds of diseases except death" (Hr.Muslim)
By way of improving and maintaining the body's immune system, it has a special weapon to destroy the cells - the cells so that the disease return to normal blood circulation and makes the virus, germs and bacteria in order to slowly disappear slowly.
Various Brand Available: L-Hanif, ajwa dates, Nature Herb, Al-Ghuroba etc.
Get Benefit from the miracle Habbatussaudah.Hanya Herbal Nayla
Hp.08788 286 2022
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