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Tianjin Aokai Oil Tools Co.,  Ltd.
Tianjin Aokai Oil Tools Co., Ltd.

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  • sieve plate

    sieve plate


    It is suitable for filtering tank, water treatment equipment, padding under the filtering .
    medium and even layout of top water.

    As per your requirements, we can process and....

  • water well screen

    water well screen


    Continuous-Slot Well Screen

    The continuous-slot well screen is widely used throughout the world for water, oil, and gas wells, and is the dominant screen type used in the water....

  • wire-wrapped screen

    wire-wrapped screen


    Continuous-Slot Well Screen

    The continuous-slot well screen is widely used throughout the world for water, oil, and gas wells, and is the dominant screen type used in the water....

  • water filter

    water filter


    Continuous-Slot Well Screen

    The continuous-slot well screen is widely used throughout the world for water, oil, and gas wells, and is the dominant screen type used in the water....

  • wedge wire screen

    wedge wire screen


    The continuous-slot well screen is widely used throughout the world for water, oil, and gas wells, and is the dominant screen type used in the water well industry.


  • pipe base screen

    pipe base screen


    Our pipe base screens are manufactured with strict quality standards to be at par with international standards. The screen jackets are manufactured by spirally....

  • water strainer

    water strainer


    Water strainers( nozzles) are manufactured in accordance to customer flow requirements in almost any alloy. They can be designed for filtration or treatment systems to permit more....

  • Precise Punched slotted Screen

    Precise Punched....


    Precise Punched slotted Screen

    Precise punched slotted Screen is a new product which is composed of central tube, precise punched slotted Screen jacket and stainless steel ring.....

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