Premium Rice® is first produced in the year 2005. This Premium Rice® is has been made from " padi pandan wangi / genja arum" type which has been processed into good quality rice by qualified expert in modern and hygienically ways.
Premium Rice® is a rice type that we produced ti fill the need of the middle up market with its own taste, fragrance and Pulen-ness. Premium Rice® is very suitable to accompany any kind of foods.
Premium Rice® is a premium type of rice which has the quality of the wholeness of the grain upto ± 99% , with the percentage for broken grain is almost nothing. Because, broken grain has contain a lot of Methedrine, which is not good for our body system.
Premium Rice® are contains: Fat 1.28% , protein 7.69% , kalori 323.72% kkal, and contain negative steel ( Tested in Center of POM RI no kode M/ 44/ SW/ 04, METODE PUSTAKA: SNI-01( 2891) -1992.