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PT. ANUGRAH NIAGA MANDIRI ( Specialist In General Laboratory,  Scientific Equipment,  Laboratory Chemical,  Laboratory Glasswares)
PT. ANUGRAH NIAGA MANDIRI ( Specialist In General Laboratory, Scientific Equipment, Laboratory Chemical, Laboratory Glasswares)
PT. ANUGRAH NIAGA MANDIRI ( Specialist In General Laboratory,  Scientific Equipment,  Laboratory Chemical,  Laboratory Glasswares)

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showing 49-96 of 196
Filter Paper
We distribute and sell Filter Papers: Filter Paper Ashless Filter Paper Analytical. Filter Paper Ashless Sheets, Filter Paper Analytical Sheets, Filter Paper Qualitative and....

Price : Bersaing

* Pocket size, 13 mm LCD, Max. 1999.
* 7 ranges, 2nF, 20nF, 200nF, 2 F, 20 F, 200 F, 1000 F
* Economical type.
* Size : 120 x 72 x 37 mm

Price : Bersaing

Model : PH-202
* 0 to 14 pH x 0.01 pH.
* Bench type pH meter.
* Accuracy : 0.1 pH ( pH4 to pH10) .
* Easy operation.
* Water resistance on the front panel.
* ....

Price : Bersaing

Model : CBOX-406
* 100 pF to 11, 111 F, 100 pF per step.
* Slide switches that allow the user to simply add or subtract for desired value.
* With five....

Price : Bersaing

* DC : 0 to 40 KV, AC : 28 KV rms.
* 1000 M input impedance, 1/ 1000 att.
* DCV : 1% ( 1 to 20 KV) , 1.5% ( > 20kV) .
* ACV : 5 % ( > 1 KV, 50/ 60Hz) .
* Size : 340 x 30 x 30....
MicroLog Compact Data Logger

Price : Bersaing

MicroLog Compact Data Logger :
Two data logger models are available:
- Internal Temperature sensor plus one external sensor input
- Internal Humidity and Temperature sensors....

Price : -

Barium sulfate extra pure for X-Ray diagnosis DAB, Benzaldehyde for synthesis, Benzaldehyde for synthesis, Benzene GR, Benzene for organic analysis of traces....
FILTER PAPER: We distribute and sell Filter Papers : Filter Paper Ashless,  Filter Paper Analytical,  Filter Paper Ashless Sheets,  Filter Paper Analytical Sheets,  Filter Paper Qualitative and Technical,  Chromatography Paper,  Extraction Thimbles,  Glass Micro

Price : Kompetitive

FILTER PAPER: We distribute and sell Filter Papers : Filter Paper Ashless, Filter Paper Analytical, Filter Paper Ashless Sheets, Filter Paper Analytical Sheets, Filter Paper....
Dura-Dry IIâ„¢ Microprocessor Control Condenser Module

Price : Bersaing

Dura-Dry IIâ „ ¢ Microprocessor Control Condenser Module
For use with stoppering and bulk tray dryers or Dura-Portâ „ ¢ manifolds.

â € ¢ Titanium condenser coil and stainless....
MOISTURE METER,  General purpose

Price : Bersaing

Model : MS-7001
* Range : 9% to 30% moisture content.
* Max., Min., Data hold.
* Economical Moisture meter.
* Size : 185 x 78 x 38 mm.
50A/ 50mA SHUNT

Price : Bersaing

* Resistance shunt match DMM DC 200 mV range to measure current up to DC/ AC 50A precisely.
* Output - 1 ACmV/ 1 ACA, 1 DCmV/ 1 DCA..
* Size : 135 x 30 x 30 mm.
Multi- Gr Multi- Grain Moisture Meters ( Alat Ukur Kelembaban Banyak Jenis Biji ) : GMK- 105RF/ 107RF.ain Moisture Meters ( Alat Ukur Kelembaban Banyak Jenis Biji ) : GMK- 105RF/ 107RF

Price : Kompetitive

Multi- Grain Moisture Meters : GMK- 105RF/ 107RF

With checking out moisture content in grains accurately and quickly
- To decide the appropriate harvest time.
- To....
GLASSWARE: We distribute and sell GLASS WARE: Beaker ,  Erlenmeyer,  Iodine Flask,  Culture Flask,  Culture Test Tube,  Boiling Flask,  Nasu Flask,  Distilling Flash,  Kjeldahl Flash,  Separating Funnel,  Dropping Funnel,  Condenser,  Column Chromatography,  Gas Wa

Price : Kompetitive

GLASS WARES: We distribute and sell GLASS WARE: Beaker , Erlenmeyer, Iodine Flask, Culture Flask, Culture Test Tube, Boiling Flask, Nasu Flask, Distilling Flash, Kjeldahl Flash, ....
FX-iWP Series Dust & Water-Proof Precision Balances

Price : Bersaing

IP65 compliant, dust and water proof
Compact, B5 size footprint
Fast, 1 second stabilization
Shock absorber function
Large bright Vacuum Fluorescent Display

Price : Bersaing


* 2 ranges : 20 A, 200 A
* Output : 1 ACmV per 1 ACA ( 200 A) . 10 ACmV per 1 ACA ( 20 A) .
* Size : 180 x 47 x 35 mm.



Price : Kompetitive

Tools and Equipment ( Laboratory) :

We sell and distribute PIPETTE and STIRRING BAR: Pipette Pump, Pipette Filler, Pipette Aid, Magnetic Stirring Bar. CLAMP FOR STAND: Clamp....
FILTER PAPER: We distribute and sell Filter Papers : Glass Microfibre Filters,  pH Paper Reels & Membrane Filters.

Price : Kompetitive

FILTER PAPER: We distribute and sell Filter Papers : Glass Microfibre Filters, pH Paper Reels & Membrane Filters. Contact Us : Irfan PT Anugrah Niaga Mandiri Jakarta- Indonesia....
Kimchi Acidity Meter

Price : Kompetitive

Kimchi Acidity Meter : GMK-885.

With checking out Acidity( Sourness) of Kimchi accurately and quickly
- To control the Acidity on processing & at storage
- To....
Digital Acidity Meters ( Alat Ukur Digital Keasaman Buah )

Price : Kompetitive

Digital Acidity Meters : GMK-835/ 835A/ 835B/ 845/ 855/ 855A.

With checking out Acidity ( Sourness) of fruits accuately and quickliy,
- To decide the appropriate....
Alat ukur kualitas air / PH meter On-line TOC Analyzer HT-100

Price : Call

Measurement possible even under low pressure and low flow rate conditions HT-100 is the ideal TOC meter for continuously measuring low concentration TOC ( Total Organic Carbon) in....
PORCELAIN WARE: We distribute and sell PORCELAIN WARE : Desiccator Plates,  Combustion Boats,  Measuring Jug,  Clay Plates,  Ball Mill GSK,  Grinding Balls & Recommendation.

Price : Kompetitive

PORCELAIN WARE: We distribute and sell PORCELAIN WARE : Desiccator Plates, Combustion Boats, Measuring Jug, Clay Plates, Ball Mill GSK, Grinding Balls & Recommendation.

BB-Series - Baby Scales

Price : Bersaing


Auto shut off
Auto zero function
auto calibration
Hold Function
Large LCD Display
baby Basket & Large square weighing tray with multiple attachments

Price : Bersaing

Model : AA-104
* Range : AC 2 mA/ 20 mA/ 200 mA/ 5 A.
* LCD display, 18 mm digit height.
* Application : Education, Maintenance, Production line, Working....
Analisis Elektrokimia

Price : Competitive (Call)

Electrochemical Analysis:

Electrochemical analysis methods are widely used to control product quality and manufacturing processes. PH and konduktifitasnya settings are....

Price : Bersaing


* Range : DCA, ACA, 200 A, 2000 A.
* DCA Output : 1 DCmV/ 1 DCA.
* ACA Output : 1 ACmV/ 1 ACA.
* Size : 210 x 64 x 33 mm.

Tools & Equipment ( Laboratory)

Price : Competitive

We sell and distribute Tools and Equipment for laboratory. ~ Burner : Electronic Burner, Meker Burner, Teklu Burner. ~ Tongs, Forcep & Spatula : Tongs for crucible, Tripod Stand....
Cairan Ionik

Price : Competitive (Call)

Ionic liquids are organic salts with low melting point, have no vapor pressure and high thermal stability, which provides an excellent dissolving properties for most organic and....
SIBATA,  Dust Indicator,  Air Sampler & Others ( Environment Products)
We sell and distribute SIBATA
Dust Indicator, Air Sampler & Others :
( Environment Products) Aerosol Photometers, IAQ Measurement, Sigma Mini-Pumps, Filter Base Sampling....
DaqPRO" All in one solution for data logging and analysis

Price : Bersaing

The DaqPRO" is a portable, battery operated data acquisition and logging system offering 16-bits, high-resolution, 8 channel data logging. The DaqPRO" features powerful graphical....
Honey/ Tea/ Coffee Moisture Meters ( Alat Ukur Kelembaban Madu / Teh / Kopi )

Price : Kpmpetitive

Honey/ Tea/ Coffee Moisture Meters : GMK-307C
With checking out the moisture content in honey, tea leaves or coffee beans accurately and quickly,
- To keep the same....
DataNet Software

Price : Bersaing

DataNet software provides security for your products with online monitoring and control :

* Graphical analysis Windows based software

* Fast data download

* Data display....
Filter Paper,  Qualitative and Technical,  grade 3 h

Price : Competitive (Call)

Filter Paper, Qualitative and Technical, grade 3 hw.

These paper grades are generally used for analytical and technical purposes. They are available in different formats as in....
Inverted Biological microscope XDS- 2 Series
XDS- 2 Inverted microscope is equipped with wide field eyepieces, long working distance plan achromatic objectives and very long working distance condenser and phase contrast unit....
Chromatography paper

Price : Competitive (Call)

Chromatography paper

These filter products are made of cotton linters with more than 98 % alpha-cellulose content and < 0.04 % ash content; They are very absorbent and....
Ashless Filter Papers,  filter discs

Price : Competitive (Call)

These filter papers are used for quantitative analysis. They are made of refined pulp and linters with over 98% alpha-cellulose content. Moreover, these filter papers are....
Analytical Filter Papers,  filter discs

Price : Competitive (Call)

Analytical Filter Papers, filter discs

These filter papers are used for quantitative analysis. They are made of refined pulp and linters with over 98% alpha-cellulose content.....
Crucible Stainless steel ( Wadah pelebur baja)

Price : Competitive (Call


40 35
45 40
50 45
60 55
80 70

For more information please contact :

Distributor, Agent, Sales, Installation and Training.
Lids for Crucible ( Wadah pelebur baja)

Price : Competitive (Call)

Lids for Crucible for stainless steel crucible

Lids for Crucible 35


For more information please contact :

Distributor, Agent, Sales, ....
Alcohol Lamp,  Stainless Steel

Price : Competitive (Call)

Alcohol Lamp, Stainless Steel


Volume( ml)

For more information please contact :

Distributor, Agent, Sales, Installation and Training.
Jakarta - Indonesia
Suction Pump

Price : Competitive (Call)

Suction Pump Polypropylene water-operated with hose coupling

For more information please contact :

Distributor, Agent, Sales, Installation and Training.
Jakarta -....
Ring for stand,  free stem

Price : Cpmpetitive (Call)

Ring for stand, free stem Stainless Steel

Product Name Size Ring


à ˜ x L ( mm)
Ring for stand, free stem 50 10 x 200
85 10 x 180
115 10 x 160
135 12....
Ring for stand

Price : Competitive (Call)

Ring for stand Stainless steel with screw clamp ( open 16 Ã ˜ )

For more information please contact :

Distributor, Agent, Sales, Installation and Training.
Jakarta -....
Filtering Stand

Price : Competitive (Call)

Filtering Stand Cast iron with chromed iron rod and polished brass rings

For more information please contact :

Distributor, Agent, Sales, Installation and Training.
Filtering Stand,  Omeis type Chromate brass

Price : Call

Filtering Stand, Omeis type Chromate brass Base 120 Ã ˜ Superior 50 Ã ˜

For more information please contact :

Distributor, Agent, Sales, Installation and Training.
Jakarta ....
Glass Tube-Cutter Knife

Price : Call

Glass Tube-Cutter Knife Max 33 Ã ˜ , widia wheel

For more information please contact :

Distributor, Agent, Sales, Installation and Training.
Jakarta - Indonesia

Alat Ukur kualitas Air F-50 Series Benchtop Multi-parameter Water Quality Meters

Price : Call

Years of HORIBA sensor technology development have reached their culmination in the form of a 46-mm diameter sensor probe: a compact monitoring solution offering high pressure....
CyberScan PCD650

Price : Call


Environmental: Test water quality, monitor health of aquatic ecosystems, survey surface and ground water drinking supplies, and meet EPA regulations.

Fruit Brix-Acidity & Fruits Acidity Meter ( Keasaman Buah & Alat Ukur Keasaman Buah ) .

Price : Kompetitive

Fruit Brix-Acidity & Fruits Acidity Meter ( Keasaman Buah & Alat Ukur Keasaman Buah ) . : GMK-708

With checking out Acidity( Sourness) of fruits accurately and quickly....