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Name:Mrs. Maisan DJuhadi [Director/CEO/General Manager]
Instant Messaging:
Windows Live: antartika_bali@hotmail.com antartika_bali@hotmail.com
Google Talk:  antartikabali@gmail.com  antartikabali@gmail.com
Y!: antartikabali 
Phone Number:Phone number of Mrs. Maisan DJuhadi at Denpasar
Address:Jl. Pidada V No. 9
Denpasar, Bali
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:May. 30, 2011
Business Nature:Manufacturing of Food & Beverage category

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Company Brief

The TUBE ICE / ICE TUBE Manufacturing in BALI
New History Quality Drinking ICE
During the period of year 1997, more than 2 millions people or over half of Baliâ € ™ s
Population were still consumed local ice products, Those ice were made and delivered to their
customers below the requirement of healthy foods and beverages procedures, which required
by Baliâ € ™ s Health Department ( Dep Kes) . Since then, I was truly concerned by consuming local
ice products may caused and bring some serious health problems to the population in the
Therefore, at the end of year1998, I had an opportunity to build up a new age Packaged
Ice Factory, also, a strong team of management to delivers and provides a better quality
in products and services to all customers , under the logo or brand named, UNIT Â ® ICE
and turned itself to a 100% fully operated on, 30th. November.
However, our goal is to develop, produce, and deliver , both way s of better
quality in products and services to the population . I truly expect that, our team of
management and entire Antartikaâ € ™ s crews would keep on dedicated them self to improve and
service your best in Beverage Consuming Goods to our population.

We are a company that serves Ice, such as beverage coolers, Ice Juice, Cooling vegetables, and others. Products have been standard of MUI and BPOMRI.

We are ready to serve you, whether corporate, office, shop, or individually, of course with the best quality. We have experience with our products " UNITS ICE " , which is certainly a price based on our quality.

Address : Jl. Pidada V No. 9 DenpasarTelp. ( 0361) 426664

Major Products / Services
    The real ICE

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