Specification :
Potassium carbonate ( K2CO3) is a white salt, soluble in water ( insoluble in alcohol) , which forms a strongly alkaline solution. It can be made as the product of potassium hydroxide' s absorbent reaction with carbon dioxide. It is deliquescent, often appearing a damp or wet solid. Potassium carbonate is used in the production of soap and glass.
Pearl ash has been used for soap, glass, and china production.
Pearlash added to hard water will soften the water.[ 2]
In the laboratory, it may be used as a mild drying agent where other drying agents such as calcium chloride and magnesium sulfate may be incompatible. However, it is not suitable for acidic compounds, but can be useful for drying an organic phase if one has a small amount of acidic impurity.
Mixed with water it causes an exothermic reaction.
It is mixed with distilled water to make a safer electrolyte for oxyhydrogen production than potassium hydroxide, the more commonly used electrolyte.
In cuisine, it is used as an ingredient in the production of grass jelly, a food consumed in Chinese and Southeast Asian cuisines. German gingerbread recipes often use potassium carbonate as a baking agent.
Potassium carbonate is sometimes used as a buffering agent in the production of mead or wine.
Aqueous potassium carbonate is also used as a fire suppressant in extinguishing deep fat fryers and various other B class related fires.
Potassium carbonate is used in reactions to maintain anhydrous conditions without reacting with the reactants and product formed.[ citation needed] It may also be used to pre-dry some ketones, alcohols, and amines prior to distillation.
An ingredient in welding fluxes, and in the flux coating on arc welding rods.