Ground-bean, with high quality planted in pure soil at low-polluted area.minimum purchase 100kg, free delivery west java& jakarta
We are supplier of organic vegetables which planted : 1. At pure farm soil that no previous conventional plantation 2.using no chemical pesticide 3.using natural fertilizer We guarrantte that....
toko bunga yang menyediakan segala kebutuhan anda tentang tanaman.
Extragen is a biofertilizer, which has been registered at the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture and certified by Union Organic Sertificate. Can be used for fisheries, plantation, agriculture and....
Our company is engaged in the business of Trading and Forwarding Services Door To Door We also serve the buying and selling Urea, MOP / Canada KCL, MOP / KCL Russia, TSP, NPK, Rock Phospate, ....
Bottle use for all product. Available in all varian volume.
Jaya Sentosa, CV is packaging company for cosmetic and pharmacy product
Spicialist of Agriculture Equipment Blower, Mixer, Extruder, Mesin Pemotong, Alat/ Mesin Feed Pelleting PlantAlat/ Mesin Rice Milling Plant- Diesel Engine, Combine Master- Rice Milling, One Pass....
Agriculture Industri We Produce Agriculture .... * Pengekstrak minyak ( oil press) * Penyemprot pupuk / hama * Pemotong rumput & pengebor * Pompa air ( centrifugal pump) * Screw conveyor Mesin....
Food Processing Refrigeration Packaging Agricultural Equipment * Strapping machine / mesin pengikat karton / kardus * Cup Sealer Machine / mesin penutup gelas plastik * Shrink Tunnel / mesin....
CV Graha Mesin Gloablindo: Produce & Supplier Machines / Equipment. Food Processing, Refrigeration, Packaging, Agricultural Equipment Specialist.
I provide a Cover Crop with the best quality is made up of: GB ex India, Thailand PJ ex / Philipine, CM ex Thailand Local also KW I, CC ex Thailand, the local CP KW I, KW Local MC I. use of cover....
Irrigation hoses are used for the maintenance of good plant seeding seed oil crops and other plants that like moisture will drain by using the power of 190PS engine water pump
CV. Krishna is the company Etam SAPROTAN PROSPER TRADING SAPROTAN headquarters are located in Kampung address Bubulak RT 02 RW 04 Sub Sub Bojongkulur BOGOR Gunung Putri District 16 969 WEBSITE: www....
I provide a Cover Crop with the best Quality and consists of: MB ex India, Thailand ex PJ / Philipine, Thailand is also the ex CM KW Local I, CC ex Thailand, the local CP KW I, KW Local MC I.....
CV Kresna Etam PROSPER CV. Kresna is the Corporate SAPROTAN Etam PROSPER TRADING SAPROTAN headquarters domiciled in Kampung address Bubulak RT 02 RW 04 Kelurahan Gunung Putri Bojongkulur Sub....
SunviT Organic fertilizers was made from industrial waste treatment plant of crude palm oil which is mixed with other natural ingredients to form into an organic fertilizer which capability has been....
PT. Total Agro Lestari has been established since 03 October 2011 with the certificate of incorporation number 07 before a notary named Rosliana S. Hendarto, SH in Jakarta. The purposes of....
White, Dry and Clean. Our spot price of Rp. 3000, send Foreign Sulawesi region Rp 5000, -
Aquaculture development Koro Sword Beans, Organic Fertilizer suppliers, etc., the development of West Sulawesi Province Mamuju
Sell Filter cake from waste Sugar industri... material for Organic fertilizer.
" BioP-2000Z" is a liquid biological fertilizer which summarizes the synergized power of superior microorganisms that had been transformed to overcome arid soil and any crop production resistors so....
Soil pH measures the ground kususnya plantations, Yanni is very fitting and often on the land indicate asam.hal is easy to use and very acute.
engaged in the sale of agricultural product2, herbicides, fertilizers, and property. especially those for agricultural needs