Pied Dominant Blue, Violet, White - Personatus/ Fischery
Brand name :  Guano Phosphate Product type : granular Weight : 50 Kgs Type :  Organic fertilizer Product Location : North Sumatra, Indonesia
Produk- produk PT.AGRO SUBUR INDOPRATAMA 1. Brucite 2. Guano Phosphate 3. Bat Guano 4. Humic Acid
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I live in DIY. I am self-employed in the agricultural sector, particularly carp and ducks. We also offer cooperation to those that have fresh funds. It' s potential business prospects are so....
Sengon Gardens ( Lot Sengon) Reasons for Choosing Garden Sengon ( Lot Sengon) in Bukit Arroyan Investment Sengon Gardens ( Lot Sengon) Cheap Lot of land Investment packages Sengon ( Garden....
Sengon Gardens ( Lot Sengon) Reasons Sengon Gardens ( Lot Sengon) in Bukit Jonggol Arroyan which is inline with the central axis and one option would be the capital of Indonesia. A. Subdistrict....
Plasticized PVC lay flat discharge hose is specially designed for high pressure applications and corrosion resistance. It is the most ideal liquid-transferred hi-pressure hose. The strength and....
OUR FACTORY Jl. Salembaran Jati No.38 Desa Salembaran Jati RT 04/ 03 Kecamatan Kosambi Tangerang - 15214 - Indonesia Tel: 021-55932666, 55932851, 55932816 Fax: 021-55932969 PT Maha Jaya....
At the moment we have provided plastic packaging or plastic bottles with a variety of models and sizes such as: Bottles ( HDPE and PET) : 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1000 ml Jerry cans ( HDPE) : 950 ml, ....
We are a company specializing in the packaging plastic Blow moulding and Injection moulding with supported by efficient machine as well as mattresses that precision and quality materials you will....
PT. Yunindo Lestari is located in Jakarta, We specialized supplier & manufacturing spare part conveyor for mining coal , mining copper & Gold, pulp & paper industry, cement industry, fertilizer , ....
Palm seed sprouts, is the perfect solution to overcome breeding problems, and improve production results.
Perusahaan kami bergerak dalam bidang usaha pengadaaan tenaga, penyediaan benih, penawaran barang & jasa: 1. Pupuk organik 2. Benih Karet getah 3. Benih Kelapa sawit 4. Alat Filter Radiasi....
MORGENTA-8 ( Marros Organic nitroGEN phosphaTe potAssium) is a semi-organic compound fertilizer. The composition of MORGENTA-8 : the total N min 8% , 8% P2O5 min 8% , K2O min 8% and the C-organic min....
We are the producer and marketer of Organic-based and Natural-based Fertilizer. Our products range from Soil Reconditioner to Semi Organic Compound Fertilizer.
Organic fertilizers Super A1 is a high-quality organic fertilizer results from the extraction of organic materials ( fish, animals, plants) are produced by high-level biotechnology formula through....
We can provide tug bout and barge for need of your shipment. Size of Ship: 230 feet, 270 feet, 300 feet Charter Terms: - Freight Charter ( FC) - Lumpsum ( FIOS) - Time Charter ( TC) ....
We are the company which is dealing in International and Domestic Freight Forwarder and services of Project Cargo. Our services consist of: - Customs Clearance - Inland Transportation - Marine....
herbal ( chinese medicine) to cure all deaseses without side effect.
ZahrahMandiri manages gold mine, irone eagle mine, coal mine
Created, produced and processed in particular with respect to health care for infants as complementary foods ( solids) . Grown without the use of fertilizers pesticides so no chemicals that enter the....
selling food, organic & healthy food. we sell baby' s food and frozen food too.
wood charcoal minimum order 4 ton ( 4000 kilograms) the price includes transportation cost in Jabodetabek
We supply many kinds of plant media such as: pakis, andam, caliandra, bamboo leaves, wood charcoal, livestock manure, compost etc. We serve an order for a large quantity in around Jabodetabek
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY - AGENTS WANTED ALL INDONESIA & ABROAD Famous tea has many benefits for health. By drinking tea can make the body more relaxed in living activities. When compared with other....
Distributor of Organic Green Tea Sekar Melati and Assalam Herbal