PVAc glue Base, Water Base for Laminating, Laminating Foam, Glue Water resistant, Waterproof, Acrylic Base, etc.
PAPER& CONVERTING, WOOD WORKING, ELECTRONIC, CONSTRUCTION ADHESIVE, VARNISH UV, EVA, PVAc, Acrylic, Hot Melt, Glue Stick, PU, Water Proofing, Bonding Agent, ETC When itβ s come to Adhesive and....
a home made shoes and sandals industry, located in banten, with high quality, trandy, modiest, and up-todates, cheap for distributor price, Has well promoted in jakarta' s fairs, showbiz and other....
We are distributor molasses in indonesia.we have ready stock 300matrix ton in month.For you need molasses please contact with me.my product very good for bio ethanol, consentrat, fonry manufactur.
MANDIRI EXPRESS Reguler Services Area : Jakarta β Palembang , Padang, Jambi , Pekanbaru , Batam , Medan , Aceh Jakarta β Bandung , Semarang , Surabaya , Denpasar , Mataram , Kupang Jakarta β ....
CV.MANDIRI EXPRESS Domestic Freight Forwarding and Trucking Services Established since 2010 , the companies has strived to be a transportation architect, managing to integrate sea, land and air....
mm-scale size, materials from wood, brass, hi fex, and others, time making at least 3 weeks, photo copy of engineering drawings, survey the area if needed, price depends on the level of....
CV Indosukses makmur is a company that .... Make the ship Kaspadu I and Pelangi Tirtamas, Banten. project to singapore. Customers References : Pertamina, PT Garuda Indonesia, PT Taman Mini....
Sorghum plantation, build in 2009 located in Banten Java We produce sorghum forage for cattle industries ( fattening and milking) also we produce sorghum seeds ( variety : Numbu) or Sweet Sorghum....
Our company operates in agrobusiness and serve people who wants to buy land which is ready for any use.
Mushrooms krispi with a variety of flavors, Burger Mushroom, Mushroom Pudding Soft, and others - other
Papi is a culinary mushroom fungus-based .... characteristics. Mushroom Papi was established in Tangerang - Banten, the City is now a metropolis because of its location near the capital Jakarta and....
kami menawarkan kerjasama suplay BBM untuk darat dan laut dengan dukungan pasilitas baik darat maupun laut dengan legal izin armada darat mupun laut milik PT. LINGGA PERDANA untuk harga kita bisa....
we are from Indonesia company offer the product of sea-cucumber and qualified shark fin of clean ripeness not lessen quality.
We have products We Raja Laut Sharks Fin Company establish since 1995 from Tangerang Province Banten Indonesia from sea of Indonesian is Sharks fin and sea cucumber on Frozen. Our products are safe....
RENCANA ANGGARAN BIAYA PENGADAAN BINA KELUARGA .... Workshop : Jl.Kebon Besar No.22 BatuCeper - Tangerang - Banten 15000 Showroom & Marketing : Jl.Maulana Hasanudin No.52 Cipondoh - Tangerang 15000....
For 50 years, DITZEL has been a highly estimated and competent partner for solutions in the wide field of tool and machine making. Our tools have proved their value in many areas, helping....
The Company PT. PIT GLOBAL INDONESIA are .... this Company and was founded in 2011 in Tangerang Banten Indonesia. PIT GLOBAL INDONESIA is inter-sector engineerinng expertise in industrial automation....
PESONA PETA INDONESIA ( BEST SELLER ! ! ! ...) .... Sumatra 9. Bengkulu 10. Lampung 11. DKI Jakarta 12. Banten 13. Jawa Barat 14. Jawa Tengah 15. Yogyakarta 16. Jawa Timur 17. Kalimantan....
PT.DUTA SARANA ILMU is a manufacturer of DVD, VCD and CD Interactive Learning and authorized distributor of products of the Center for Technology, Information Communication and Education ( Pustekkom) ....