Concrete Hammer Test Used to obtain an estimate of strength and quality of hardened concrete ORIGINAL SCMIDTH Type: N Made in : Swiss Measuring Range: 10 to 70 N/ mm2 ....Compressive Strength ( ....
Foot Rot Shears Burdizzo Contact Us : CV. ALat Peternakan Ruko Taman Yasmin Sektor VI Jl. Ring Road Utara No. 134 Bogor 16113 Telp : 0251-7541595 Hp : 0821-23847472, 081-383-190190 Fax : ....
We Supply Farm Equipments, as follows : - Alat Deteksi Kehamilan untuk kambing, domba - Alat Deteksi Kehamilan untuk kambing, domba, babi - Peralatan lengkap untuk inseminasi buatan pada Sapi ( ....
Mesin Marka Jalan is a tool to apply thermoplastic materials Paint and Glassbead media to the street with the help of the heating of the gas LPG, using road marking machine so as to produce a line....
CV. Romora TAMA is Manufacturing Company, maker .... Surber Type Stream Bottom Sampler Swing sampler Uji Pupuk uji tanah sawah | PUTS Alat Uji Tanah Kering Soil pH, Moisture, Lux & Temp ( ....
ASTM D-2172 AASHTO T-164 For determining bitument content in hot mixed paving mixture and pavement sample BI-305 Centrifuge Extractor Electric, 220 V-AC, variable speed DC motor up to 3600 rpm, ....
CV. RAKAJU LAB TEKNIK.supplier peralatan Quality .... Kompos, Mesin Granulator Kompos | Mesin Granulator Pupuk Organik, Mesin Pengering Kompos | Mesin Rotary Dryer Kompos, Cetak Kompos Manual | Mesin....
FEATURES - Accurate at low flows - Simple and durable - Compatible with a variety of chemicals - Visual flow monitoring ( SPX Only) APPLICATIONS - Low flow monitoring - Chemical batching -....
type of flow meter, model flow meter, type flow meter, Flowmeter, Flow Meter, Analog flow meter, Automatic Meter Reading, Calorimetric, Calorimetric flow transmitter, cheap water flow meter, chemical....
Soil Moisture Meter, Alat Ukur Kelembaban Tanah : Contact : HP 08211 2015 928, e-mail : k111222555@
Mesin Sangrai Kakao | Mesin Sangrai Biji Coklat .... Kompos, Mesin Granulator Kompos | Mesin Granulator Pupuk Organik, Mesin Pengering Kompos | Mesin Rotary Dryer Kompos, Cetak Kompos Manual | Mesin....
CV KENCANA JAYA TEKNIK We are engaged in .... Kompos, Mesin Granulator Kompos | Mesin Granulator Pupuk Organik, Mesin Pengering Kompos | Mesin Rotary Dryer Kompos, Cetak Kompos Manual | Mesin Cetak....
Perahu Karet, Perahu Aluminum, Perahu Catamaran, Perahu kayu nelayan Boat, Rubber Boat, Inflatable Boat, Perahu Karet, Rafting Boat, dayung, Pompa Air, helm, tali lempar Alat selam, American Scuba....
Alat Pertanian CV. MESIN ALAT PERTANIAN 021- 70748483, 0251- 7543316, Supply and Providing following : Arboriculture and Holticulture Tools and....
Fluoride Field Test Kit Type : G9 Properties of Fluoride Field Test Kit Detection Range 0.2-3 ppm ( mg/ L) Detection Limit 0.2 ppm ( mg/ L) Sample Volume 2 mL Analysis Time 10 Min Test / ....
PT. PURNAMA LABORATORY Known as PURNAMALAB, as a company, which sells laboratory equipments in a quite big scale. With look to advantages and lacks of the existence products and after the learning....
Model : 42510 Manufacture : USA Dimension : 82 mm x 42 mm x 160 mm Weight : 180 g Product Catalog : N/ A Manual Instruction : N/ A Technical Specification : N/ A Product Attributes : Short....
Ideal for bottom contouring and mapping of lakes, rivers and creeks! Easy to use, simply turn it on and toss the floating transducer into the water, then view the screen for instant bottom structure....
CV. Mulia Mandiri Sentosa is a Manufacturing Company, maker and seller ( Manufacture -Supply - Tradding) for the needs of Laboratories, Sporting Goods, Marka Road and Harvest Equipment And....
Spesification : - Capacity: 8 l / h - Conductivity: approx. 2.2 Â µ s / cm at 20 Â ° C - Cooling water required: approx. 198 l / h - Minimum water pressure: 3 bar to max. 7 bar - Net weight: ....
Mesin Pemipil Jagung Kering | Mesin Perontok .... Kompos, Mesin Granulator Kompos | Mesin Granulator Pupuk Organik, Mesin Pengering Kompos | Mesin Rotary Dryer Kompos, Cetak Kompos Manual | Mesin....
Biogas Digester BD 1000L or also called as portable biogas digester is the plant for cooking fuel at the household level. However, it can also be used in the provision of logistical needs to move ( ....
PT. Cipta Visi Sinar Kencana, derived from CV to Limited Company ( PT) with Ano Notaries Muhammad, SH No. 5 and Indonesia of Justice Registration No.C- 03484th HT.01.01 Th 2006. Making agriculture ( ....
Dimension : 600x400x400 mm Knife Circle : 8" , material food grade Actuator : Electro Motor 1 Hp/ 50Hz Include cover for electro motor and knife. Safety.
TEKNOVASI SUKSES MANDIRI, were a company supply fume hood, laboratory desk, furniture laboratory product, aqriculture machine process, didactic equipment for polytechnic, vocational high shool and....