We provide cleaning services for government and private institutions for the sake of cleanliness and comfort where you are working with the staff - who are trained experts in their field.
In the era of globalization and the demands of a rigorous competitive business world today, the company sued to try to improve their business performance through olaan Pengel-effective and efficient....
perusahaan kami menawarkan lahan di kepri meliputi lahan shipyard, lahan untuk kawasan industri, lahan untuk pertanian, perkebunan, perikanan, tambak, lahan perumahan, dll sertifikat hak milik, sk....
Stacking of the tank is used for the smelting of gold over 1 kg and is assisted using a compressor engines and blander soder large fire made from stainless and are typically used by large....
Terjemahan Dari: Bahasa Indonesia Ke: Inggris Bahasa Indonesia Inggris Jepang Merjemahkan teks atau laman web Terjemahkan dari: Bahasa Indonesia Ketikkan teks atau alamat situs web atau....
Serving SACRED STEEL LIGHT CHEAP mild steel mounting a low price starting from Rp.105.000, - / Square Meter ( MILD STEEL STANDARD SNI) . ADVANTAGES: - QUALITY GUARANTEED. - VERY PRECISION CALCULATION....
We supply the best barcode Label Software and provide full Support for our range of labeling software packages including Bartender and Zebra Designer Label.
PT DUTA KALINGA PRATAMA established in 1987 and has been leader in Auto ID data capture technology. We are trusted partner in auto identification data capture. PT DUTA KALINGA PRATAMA is a leading....
this product for export purpose such as malaysia, amerika, japan, korea, taiwan
brooom and duster..... BROOM AND dusterWe offer the commodity form Glagah broom, broom stick, broom fibers, broom export quality, local quality brooms, broom corn, colorful feather duster, broom....
Sea cucumbers. Sea animals are oval shaped bullet and springy kenyil. Nyangka not anyway if it tastes good when eaten incredible. Gurih seemed to eat kikil ( but more tasty and more dense) and its....
INTRODUCTION With the establishment of our company is engaged in the Sea of Agriculture Procurement results by looking at the natural wealth of Indonesia is very abundant. Indonesia is an....
An anchor is a device, normally made of metal, that is used to connect a vessel to the bed of a body of water to prevent the vessel from drifting due to wind or current
We suply various components / parts of ships, steel sheets, aluminum sheets, industrial equipment, aircraft parts, electrical instruments and more. We have an extensive network of international....
MAGIC VISION CAMERA IP INDOMITABLE PROVEN GOOD KIND OUTDOOR, INDOOR let alone. Allow Us Promo ... between client ip Magic Vision camera are: MC Donald' s, Institute Mexicano IMSS, Indonesia....
PT. KJS - Reliable Company And Full Responsibility Companies that focus on one company' s business scope .... is that fall into categories to ensure customer satisfaction and individual Click .....
Legionella Bacteria merupakan bakteri pthogen yang biasa hidup di cooling water system, fountain, domestic water. Sangat berbahaya apabila terhirup oleh manusia karena dapat menginfeksi paru-paru....
Teak beds typical Jepara carving, with sturdy construction and natural finishing will give the feel of luxury for the owners. Available for other sizes.
RAHMATIKA JATI is a furniture company that established since 1990, which prioritizes the Super Teak Wood as our main raw material. We provide high-quality furniture and international quality with....
Terasi Kotak Besar Weight : 250 gr Terasi Kotak Kecil Weight : 125 gr
Cracker is one of many food products known by the public, because it is a snack enjoyed anytime and anywhere. Especially shrimp and fish crackers that taste savory and delicious and contains high....
We manufacture Stainless Pillar Queue | Queue Border Stainless | Barrier | Standing Rope as in supermarkets or other public services for the limiting of a queue, we have two pole model queue that is: ....
Gratitude is always poured out the presence of Praise GOD for all the abundance of blessings & gifts. Departing from the phrase " BISMILLAH" Maybe you' re looking for products made of stainless or....
We are indonesian recruitment agency that has many sklled & usnkilled workers
We are an intermediary or mediator who has some relations in indonesia
JnC adalah sebuah merek kue kering tanpa bahan .... Cookies telah dipasarkan hingga ke Malaysia, Brunei, Singapura, dll.....