BIOBOOST Harga wilayah A : Rp .128.000 , - Harga wilayah B : Rp .141.000 , - Product Description Bioboost a biological fertilizer containing superior soil microorganisms, beneficial for....
NINAonlineshop is a company engaged in the sale of electrical appliances, Electronics, Detox, Herbal, Electronic Cigarette, Emergency Lighting, Alarm Motor, beauty, health, safety, property, services....
we sell high quality of phosphate fertilizer, dolomite, bentonite, NPK fertilizer, zeolite, and clay. our products that we sell are high quality we are more concerned with the quality of goods we....
Our Company is a distributor in the field of selling all kinds of fertilizer products, all energy mining products. We sell our products to company or a person. trust is our commitment
Pigment Powder is a kind of pigment use for colour industrial
We are trading and chemical supplier for industrial company. Esspecially for pigment powders, we have wide range of colour collection.
T130X reinforced ultrafine mill is a new facility designed by CCM expert basing on statistical analysis and a large number of suggestions from users and the innovative design of the super pressure....
Brief Welcome to KARYATEKNIK We are a branch of CV. KRYA TEKNIK Supplier Quality Control equipment for the purposes of road construction equipment, Bridges, Buildings, Dam, and other civil....
sumbermakmur agrotama is a company engaged in the field of agribusiness, especially organic fertilizers, organic fungicides, organic insecticides, seeds rocento tomatoes, red peppers, yellow peppers....
CaCO3 rate : 95.53 % CaO content : 55.23 % t ; caption " > Moisture content when packaged : 1.00 % Mesh 40 - 100 : 82.01 % The net weight of housekeeping : 50 Kg Chalk Farm ( ....
Our company is engaged in the processing of Calcium Carbonate ( CaCO3) and Calcium Oxide ( CaO) . Established in 2010, our process plant is located in Sukabumi, West Java. By using the equipment -....
Kepada Yth, CEO / Dirut ( Pimpinan Perusahaan) .... Indonesia ( SKPLBI) dari Departemen Perdagangan: � � � Pupuk, Tinta Cetak, Korek Api Gas, Thinner, Perangkat Makan, Ubin Keramik, baja Tulangan, ....
We sell mini pack mini hydroponic aquaponics is a package that can be combined with fish farming . Specifications as follows : 1. Frame wavin 1 inch pipe . 2. Water pump aquila 1600 3. Dimensions....
CV Randi Farm is a general contracting company , suppliers and consultants engaged in the provision of goods and services of companies and institutions in the field of agribusiness : agriculture , ....
UPVC ROOF AVANTGUARD FUTURE TECHNOLOGY GERMANY AVANTGUARD is the future generation of roofing solutions, developed for housing and industry, UPVC Using basic materials and various additives....
Welcome to CV. MITRA MURNI SEJATI. We are engaged in the " SUPPLIER OF BUILDING MATERIALS" . The products we offer here are: Transparent roof: sunloid, solartuff, solarflat, chladianplast, ....
Benefit of Dolomit M-100 As natural source of Mg that is relatively inexpensive in increasing the natural source of Mg in the soil and the leaves of palm oil. Natural source of Ca plays an....
PT. Galatta Lestarindo was established on the 20th of October 1992 based in Medan. This company is run by a business man with high intergrity who gives excellent example in running the business. ....
Paper bag, kantong semen, kantong semen, kantong semen, paper sack, sandwich bag, woven laminated bag, laminated bag, woven bag, cement bag, kraft bag, craft bag, karung semen, kantong kertas, karung....
Pupuk npk multiarah 18 sangat efektip untuk semuah jenis tanaman karna kombinasu anorganik dan organik
Perusahaan Kami berjalan dbidang pertanian menjual sarana pertanian. Pupuk non subsidi urea, dan npk juga pestisida. Npk multiarah 18 bahan baku super kombinasi anorganik dan organik sangat efektip ....
Biological fertilizers Rhizobium, Rhizobium inoculants Sell, Sell Rhizobium bacteria http: / / | 085 654 237 113 We are Manufacturer / Distributor of Rhizobium inoculants, ....
Distributor of agricultural products, special ORGANIC FERTILIZER. INSTANT GOLD ( Multipurpose Organic Fertilizer) Organic fertilizers are made using German technology machines. PREMIUM QUALITY....
Spuyer/ Sepuyer/ Spraiyer Spuyer/ Sepuyer/ Spraiyer Spuyer/ Sepuyer/ Spraiyer
Our Company product all furniture hardware from casting brass and solid brass, tin and alloy metal become indoor furniture accessories, garden furniture accessories and building component. TIGA....