Details: The Global Water Flow Probe is an accurate water velocity instrument for measuring flows in open channels and partially filled pipes. The water velocity probe consists of a protected....
CV. SURVINDO, HUBUNGI : 081934133212 / 081288550107, 021 - 70443419 / 99082858, GPS Garmin, GPS Magellan, Alat Survey : Hand Held GPS, Portable GPS, Aviation GPS ( GARMIN GPS, GPS MAGELLAN, GPS....
The green pipe system made by aquatherm has proved its technical suitability in worldwide applications for 25 years and is highly recognised by experts as one of the most extensive and at the same....
KING PIPE INDONESIA ( RPI) is a company engaged in the field of electrical support, metal, conduit and accessories, and plumbing. Supported by a team of professionals in their field that we are ready....
Specification : � � � Paddle tester kit � � � Total Aerobic Bacteria/ Total Coliforms, pk/ 10 � � � Total Aerobic Bacteria/ Yeast and Mold, pk/ 10 � � � Swab tester kit Swabs, ....
Indo Tekhnoplus merupakan badan usaha swasta yang bergerak dibidang distribusi peralatan ukur ilmiah ( scientific measuring instruments ) dari berbagai bidang keilmuan, yaitu; kesehatan lingkungan, ....
Get the right pH reading for your Crop at the .... Salsify Soybean Spinach Watercress Bean Bea n, lima Brussels sprouts Carrot Collard Corn Cucumber Eggplant Garlic Gherkin Horse-radish....
Aldebaran Group is one of the developers who started to build the TIS Square in Tebet, Jakarta in 2000. In 2009 Aldebaran Group builds BSD Square, which has the same concept with the TIS Square, ....
sale 414D Laser Distance Meter FLUKE ( 50M 414D Laser Distance Meter FLUKE ( indoor / outdoor, 50m) features: * The latest laser technology for distance measurement * Operation is simple one....
MITRA LASER GROUP : Digital Instruments suppliers , tool kit Survey , Geology , Gauges , GPS & Radio Communication Devices such as GPS Trimble , Digital Theodolite , Total Station , Waterpass , ....
Description Total Station Sokkia SET-550x We officially announced the release of the new total station 50X Series with increased measurement range and speed. EDM Performance Improvement Total....
* We are Dealer / Supplier Official in Indonesia which is engaged in the provision of GPS ( Global Positioning System) , Surveying Instrument, ( Survey Equipment) , Radio ( Communication Equipment) , ....
Digital Theodolite Nikon NE - 103 touch keys for common functions : Digital Theodolite Nikon NE - 103 five features that are easy to use, one-touch keys : four to perform all common functions and....
Supplier of Digital Instruments, tools Tool Survey, Geology, gauges, GPS Devices & Radio Communication as GPS Trimble, Digital Theodolite, Total Station, Waterpass, Automatic Level, GPS Magellan....
* * Handy Talky ICOM V-8 * * The Icom IC-V8-15 Sport provides professional quality and functions in a rugged easy-to-use package. This radio features military grade construction, CTCSS/ DTCS....
We are Dealer / Supplier Official in Indonesia which is engaged in the provision of GPS ( Global Positioning System ) , Surveying Instrument , ( Survey Tool ) , Radio ( Communication Equipment ) , ....
Total Station Sokkia CX-105 Industry first! New function to protect your investment. RED-tech Technology Reflectorless EDM � � � Fast distance measurement of 0.9s regardless of object. � � � ....
Auto Seller Surveying tools, GPS, Communications market: Total Station, Digital Theodolite, Automatic Level, GPS Geodetic, GPS GARMIN, GPS MAGELLAN, GPS TRIMBLE, Handy Talky, Repeater, Radio RIG, BTS....
Characteristics Options: hydraulic Description The FP clamp is a pull bolt ( stud bolt) type hydraulic clamp that enables machining on five surfaces of the workpiece except for the....
We are a distributor of spare parts engaged in hydraulic field , we serve some of the existing companies in Indonesia .For masalaah our prices are competitive .
NIKON TOTAL STATION NIVO 5.C 1 ( one) set Complete with : Reflectorless Technology Graphic Windows TFT F1, F2 LCD displays Dual-sided, full numeric keyboard 128 MB RAM Powerful onboard Survey....
Grass Block / Block Paving Grass Grass Block or there are those who call it a Block Paving Grass, is a special group of Paving Block which has the characteristic of the holes as space for growing....
pd concrete work is a company engaged in the field of building materials ( Manufacturing) , as follows: Reinforced concrete Buis and not reinforced, Loster Louvre ( Concrete / Cement) , Uditch ( ....
EDM Performance Improvement Total Station The new series expands the measurement area to 4, 000 m ( 13.120 ft) with a single prism, and up to 5, 000 m ( 16, 400 ft) with three prisms. This is an....
Dealer / Supplier official in Indonesia who is engaged in the provision of GPS ( Global Positioning System) , Surveying Instrument, ( Equipment Survey) , Radio ( Communication Equipment) , Ber Test, ....