HUMIABSORBENT helps you to protect your precious cargo from damage due to moisture by absorbing , reducing moisture and then create a dry environment inside cargo containers . Humiabsorbent is a....
Aman Asri, PT is marketing company from PT. Johny Jaya Makmur ( PMDN) , pesticide producers very concern in disease vector insect control effort or often called pesticide higiene ( environment) like....
Activated carbon, or often also called activated charcoal , is a type of carbon that has a very large surface area . We sell Activated Carbon Haycarb brand one of the largest manufacturers of....
Bio Mikro Ternak Bio Mikro Ternak Biological Fertilizer is one of product from PT Bio Selaras that use AGPI ( Agricultural Growth Promoting Inoculant) formula invented by Prof Lukman Gunarto ....
COSMOSTAR CY-0620 - Variable Ratio for Air Spray High volume adjustable mechanical proportioner that replaces the manual pre-mixing of plural component materials and reduces the cost of wasted....
BNS INDONESIA Sale LIQUID HERBICIDE " GEMPA 300 / 100SL" GEMPA 300 / 100SL is A LIQUID herbicide to prevent and eradicate weeds in the form of grasses and shrubs that interfere wide cycle staple....
Staple food suppliers and the results of agricultural. Main products we need: 1. Chicken egg 2. Wheat Flour 3. Sugar 4. Butter 5. Potato 6. Red Onion 7. Rice 8. Sed of Corn
KACANG BIDUK Dolichos lablab L.B Sinonim= Lablab purpureus Indonesian= Kacang biduk, kara gajih, kacang bado, kara wedus ( Jawa) , kacang peda ( Sunda) Lokal= Kacang Jeriji, roway, kacang ped, ....
Dipokusumo Farm... is supplier for agrobusiness products... Dipokusumo Farm... is the supplier for fruit plants and flower plants. The collection for fruit plants is over 100 varieties from local....
The Scallions we provided are the best scallions in Bandung. planting on the field and at its best level of high and humidity, made our scallions is recommended commodities.
WiFe Farm is a firm located in Pacet, Kab. Bandung. We are ready to supply best commodities of agricultural such as vegetables, Spices, and others which they are all in a highly quality. We also....
Ketiga unsur dalam pupuk NPK membantu pertumbuhan tanaman dalam tiga cara. Penjelasan singkatnya adalah sebagai berikut: N � � � nitrogen: membantu pertumbuhan vegetatif, terutama daun[ 2] P � � � ....
Kami Distributor pupuk NPK, UREA, ZA, TSP, KCL NON SUBSIDI LANGSUNG DARI GUDANG GRESIK pupuk yang kami tawarkan antara lain : NON SUBSIDI PUPUK UREA: - Urea Sriwijaya ( Pusri ) - Urea PKT ....
1. Shipping and handling cargo to plantation 2. Shipping Palm Shell and Palm Kernel 3. Shipping and handling cargo to for Java-Bali area 4. Shipping and handling cargo for the greater Jakarta area....
Standing in the city and now has a national distribution network in major cities in Indonesia up to reach inland areas in Indonesia are difficult to reach. Our company is engaged and experienced....
The original micro artificial fertilizers that contain elements bandung Indonesia Molybdenum ( Mo) , iron ( Fe) , boron ( B) , Zinc ( Zn) , manganese ( Mn) , copper ( Cu) , and Chlorine ( Cl) are....
made as a micro-nutrient fertilizer for farm products, such as oil palm, rubber, coffee, cassava and others. Micro Nutrients are needed plant nutrients in a very small amount, but the function is....
Food waste ( including market waste and kitchen waste) are rich of nutrition, so why this waste are potentialy to use as raw material for animal feeding.
Handling garbage problem and to solving this from day to day more vivid but never arrive in solution that is easy and feasible method accepted in development. Admittedly the government' s role as the....
NK fertilizer MOP ( Muriate of Potash) brand Naga Mas a high concentration of compound fertilizer, containing 60% K2O as potassium chloride. KCl ( MOP) is a potassium fertilizer universal / generic....
We will SERVE YOU with Kreativ GENERATION NATION TEAM wholeheartedly If you are willing to work together with us means you have the intention of helping the Nation Youths Kreativ and honest. ....
Selling Original Asphalt pertamina penetration 60/ 70. � � 163 weight / kg net. price of Rp 1.470.000, - / drum ( negotiable) . KW2 Rp 1.420.000, - / drum ( negotiable) . � � 155 Weight / kg net. � � ....
The pH meters for measuring the Soils pH value, it is good tool for plants, gardens, vegetables, trees ect. No battery needed. Range: 3-10pH Resolution: 0.2pH