we sell high quality products and quality. we are more concerned with the quality of goods we sell our products so that our customers are always the same trustworthy loyal
Our company is a distributor in the field of selling and buying all kinds of fertilizer products, the universe, energy, mining, fisheries and livestock. We sell them online or in person. We put....
Delta Agro is a company engaged in manufacturing of organic fertilizer, plant growth hormones and organic pesticides, as well as animal feed.
Agrifam Jl. KH Abdullah Bin Nuh No. 89 Bogor Telp. 0251 7194243 Hp. 085697276406 GRAIN MOISTURE METER Model. GMK-303RS SPECIFICATIONS: * Operation Temperature : -10Â ° C ~ + 40Â ° C * ....
We also sell products from PT. Sang Hyang Seri such as rice seeds , corn , soybean , vegetable seeds , fertilizers and agricultural medicine.
Our company is engaged in horticultural nurseries and nursery plantation forestry. Our company has over 20 years experience in the nursery business , by producing seeds and seedlings of superior....
Painting Bali Dancers , with dimention + / - 60 cm x 80 cm x 10 cm, painted in layer with oil paint.
Ciplukan-Cecendet Indonesia= Ciplukan, Cecendet Latin= Physalis peruviana, Linn. Sinonim= Physalis angulata. Linn. Physalis minina, Linn. Familia= Solanaceae Ready Stock Dried Morel berry ( ....
DPkusumaFarmNusery is supplier of Agroproduct and Herbal business From Indonesia Lovely Countries , places in java island Indonesia .
Product Brand PUI is Tanak and NGAWITI MAS. Tanak itself has 2 types of Rice and Long Grain Fragrant Pandan. For Tanak Brands has entered into Modern Market in Jakarta ( Naga Self, Lotte Mart, ....
COMPANY PROFILE PT Indonesian Rice Excellence ( PUI) is a private agribusiness companies in Indonesia are located in the village of Karangtengah Prandon, Ngawi, East Java, which is a PMA / Foreign....
MD-TOXBINDER is natural absorbent which have got attach or bind effectively for many mycotoxins ( e.g. aflatoxin) , ammonia, heavy metal ( Pb) . It have absorbency level rapidly may avoid mycotoxin....
PT. Bestari Citra Indonesia is a traiding or distributing company who has operated in Feed & Vet additive, fertilizer, and speciality equipment ( member of infiniti group) e.g. LED lamp, Logiform for....
Greenstar is a breakthrough of modern technology ( organic fertilizer in powder form) . Greenstar made of pure ingredients - natural products containing complete berkualitas.GREENSTAR macro and micro....
AGRIFAM JL. KH SOLEH ISKANDAR Komp. Budi Agung F/ 3. Bogor TELP. 0251 719 4243 FAX. 0251 755 1803 HP. 0856 933 222 85 ( INFO 24 JAM) TURBIDITY METER Model : TU-2016 * Range : Auto range, ....
www.agroplasa.com Call/ SMS : 08170000389 / 0856 933 222 85 ( INFO24JAM) , we work to improve the Indonesian Horticultural Industry chain by supplying good quality products and suitable technology....
Jamur Lingzhi untuk mengobati Asam urat Diabetes Kanker / tumor Stroke Kolesterol Kelenjar getah bening Asma, Bronchitis, Hepatitis Radang sendi Jantung koroner Maag Darah tinggi Migrain ....
Fomula terbaru dengan MPA ( Mikrobia Probiotik aktif ) yang sangat ampuh sebagai : 1. Pengurai limbah Organik, 2. Pemekan Mikrobia berbahaya, 3. Pengendali Kecoa, 4. Penambah unsur hara tanah Bekerja....
AgriFam JL. KH Abdullah Bin Nuh No. 89 Bogor Telp. 0251 719 4243 HP. 0856 933 222 85 ( INFO 24 JAM) For use in water and wastewater treatment, boiler blow-down, electroplating rinse tanks, ....
Selling Manure ( Tahi) Pure Chicken sieves We are CV. NATURAL BAROKAH from the Lord to produce, process and sell Manure ( sorry: dung) pure chicken that has been fermented and sieved. The....