Dear Sir/ Madam, RE: EXPORT OF OUR PRODUCT RANGE .... world. The plant is located in Mumbai the commercial capital of India very near to the the port, which enables it to cater to all parts of the....
Company profile The companyâ € ¦ DEAL ( INDIA) LTD. incorporated in 1986 is a public limited company listed in the year 1996 on the stock exchanges of Mumbai and Ahmedabad. The authorised share capital....
The engine runs solesly on bio gas. The cost of generation is negligible. ANy number of cattles or toilets can be the substrate source. Plant is manual. Less capital cost. Eco fiendly. By product is....
We are manufacturer' s of Gensets and engines which uses bio gas or LPG as a sole fuel. The range is from 3 to 20 KVA. Higher ratings are aviailable against specific proposal. We are located at NAGPUR....