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DIGITAL ULTRASONIC THICKNESS GAUGE, ortable Hardness Testers Bench Hardness Testers Webster Hardness Testers Roughness Testers Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge Coating Thickness Gauge Survey Instrument Colorimeter Industrial Video Borescope Ultrasonic Flaw Dete [ Apr. 19, 2010 0:47:24 ]
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The DIGITAL ULTRASONIC THICKNESS GAUGE is a basic readout unit which measures with a very high resolution of 0.1 mm or 0.0004 inches. This unit is designed to measure the thickness of metallic and non-metallic materials such as steel, aluminum, titanium, plastics, ceramics, glass and any other good ultrasonic wave conductor as long as it has parallel top and bottom surfaces.The DIGITAL ULTRASONIC THICKNESS GAUGE accurately displays readings in either inches or millimeters after performing a simple calibration to a known thickness or sound velocity.
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