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Thickness - Grind meter ( gain size gauge)
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Thickness - Grind meter

The purpose of a grind meter is to measure kneading state of a printing ink and paint pigments. With this machine, the user can know various statuses of inks or pigments: whether or not ink or paint is well kneaded, and free of coarse pigment grains. The machine is composed of a gauge panel and a scraper. The gauge panel is provided with grooves that continuously vary in depth. When scraping the ink poured on the gauge panel, carving of lines on the specimenÉ Ü s surface starts at the deepest groove. The depth of the groove that starts line marking is used as an indicator of kneading degree.


Material: SKS-2 ( alloy tool steel)
Hardness: HRc 61 or more
Depth: 0 to 25 Mm( ink) 0 to 50 Mm( paint) 0 to 100 Mm( paint)
Referential standards: JIS K-5400-1990, JIS K-5101-1991,
ASTM D1210
Outer dimensions: 240 x 87 x 30 mm
Instrument weight: 3.2 kg

For more information please contact :

Distributor, Agent, Sales, Installation and Training.
Jakarta - Indonesia

Contact Person: Fikri ( 0815 614 1954, 0811 893 101)

Address: Jl. Pahlawan Revolusi No. 22B

Phone. + 62-21-8611 131, 8611 259, 8611 444, 8611449

Fax : + 62-21-8611 207

EMAIL : sales@ alatuji.com

Please visit our website : www.alatuji.com
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