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MM-W1A FRICTION & WEAR TM [ Nov. 18, 2008 5:44:52 ]
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MM-W1A FRICTION & WEAR TM MM-W1A Vertical Universal Friction and Wear Testing Machine. Its function and application are similar to FALEX6# Multi-Specimen Test Machine of USA. It is designed for simulating, evaluating and testing all kinds of high-class serial hydraulic oil, combustion oil, gear oil. It is used in tribology field, petrol chemical industry, mechanical, energy resource, metallurgy, space flight, universities, institutes etc. .
It has rolling, slip, or slip-roll etc. friction forms under certain contact pressure, with stepless speed variation system, and is used for evaluating friction &wear performance of lubricant, metal, plastic, coating, rubber, ceramics , such as lower speed pin-disc(with big-disc and small disc, single needle and triple-needle)friction function, four-ball long-time anti-wear performance and four-ball rolling contact fatigue, ball-bronze triple -chip lubricating performance, anti-thrust ring, ball-disc and stick slip friction performance test.

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