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Depot Safety Indonesia - Fire Safety and Mechanical Electrical Contractor * For a Saver World *
Priority Member Indomonster Priority 16th Year
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[Director/CEO/General Manager]
Instant Messaging:
Windows Live: depotsafety@hotmail.com depotsafety@hotmail.com
Google Talk:  depotsafety1  depotsafety1
Y!: depotsafety 
Phone Number:
Phone number of Mr. RISMIYANTO at Jogjakarta
Mobile Number:
Mobile number of Mr. RISMIYANTO at Jogjakarta
Fax Number:
Fax number of Mr. RISMIYANTO at Jogjakarta
Jln. Wates Km. 3 No. 60 Kalibayem Jogjakarta
Jogjakarta 55182, Yogyakarta
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Alat Pemadam Api, Fire Hydrant, Fire Alarm, Security System, Safety Equipment
Certificates (3)
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Depot Safety Annual Maintenance Contracts
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Payment MethodTelegraphic Transfer (T/T), Cashier Order


Depot Safety Fire Services is backed by the Indonesia' s finest and most skillful fire protection engineering team. Over a period of last one decade, we have established ourselves in India as a prominent supplier and installer of fire safety products including Fire Extinguishers, Fire Sprinklers, Fire blankets, Smoke detectors, Safety Signs, Alarm products and other safety / security installations.

We firmly believe in our policy of continuously delivering products and services that meet the quality, performance and price aspirations of our customers while maintaining highest standards of honesty, trust and cooperation in business.

Depot Safety
Fire Safety and Mechanical Electrical Contactor


We offer a single maintenance contract for all the fire safety equipments/ systems installed in your premises - portable fire extinguishers, Automatic Fire Alarm Systems, Water based Fire fighting system, Gas based automatic flooding systems, Emergency lighting, Emergency Evacuation signages etc

There are many advantages by going for a single contract. The most important is the satisfaction that will come when you know that there will be no gaps or overlaps in your fire protection due to various agencies sharing different tasks.

Without service and maintenance even the best fire fighting equipments might fail to function when required. A service and maintenance contract gives you :

Compliance with local fire office and insurance company requirements.
Saving your investments and your business.
More life to your equipments due to maintenance.


Design, Installation, Testing, Commissioning of

* Automatic Fire Hydrant System
* Wet Riser, Dry Riser, Down Comer System.
* Automatic Sprinkler System
* Automatic Fire Alarm System & Detection System.
* Micro Processor Based Analogue Addressed Fire Detection System.
* CO2 Gas Flooding System/ Deep Seated System.
* High/ Medium velocity Water Spray System
* Automatic Fixed Foam System
* Automatic Fixed & FM-200 Gas Based Extinguisher System
* Dynamic Fire Extinguishing System
* Hose Reel System
* Fire Proof Door

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