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    Hammer Test Matest Concrette | 02168820199|

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    Hammer Test Matest Concrette Italia : Spring impact energy 0, 225 mkg.( 2, 207 Joule) Suitable for finished concrete structures and buildings having strength resistances from 10 to 70 N/ sq.mm. This concrete test hammer, entirely produced by Matest, has aluminium frame, and thanks to its very accurate manufacture processing and selected components ensures high precision test results in the time.

    The top quality test hammer available on the market.
    Supplied complete with calibration curve chart in N/ mm 2 ( Mpa) values, abrasive stone, carrying case.

    Dimensions : 330X100X100 mm
    Weight : 2 Kg

    Contact :
    CV Media Teknologi/ Ms.Zia
    Tlp: 021-68820199/ 7341681 ext.104
    | sms: 081283944439|
    Email: cv.mediateknologi@ yahoo.com
    Chat with YM: cv.mediateknologi@ yahoo.com
    Chat with GTalk: cvmediateknologi.ind@ gmail.com
    web: www.mediateknologi.net
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