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    Jan. 5, 2011 5:51:21

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    Specification :

    Sweeper-YHD5051 TSL

    - Built on technical cooperation sino-Germant.
    - Adopting a hydraulic transmission system imported from famous factories in the world.
    - isuzu engine, high-quality.
    - Has the ability to avoid obstacles automatically.
    - penyapuaan driver speed and emphasis on control and road mermukaan set hydraulically.
    - The cabin can be equipped with air conditioning that makes the room comfortable cabin ( optimal) and has a range luas.Memiliki kemampuaan bertujuaan water spray to reduce dust.
    - Pengoprasiaan in hidrolic, which is equipped with warning systems on vehicles pemelihaaraan.
    - Small and delicate, memiiki uniqueness in terms of structure and the vacuum sweeper, efficient, energy Hamath, environmentally friendly and age of vehicles will be longer.

    Technical Data: Specification
    - Dimensions ( mm) 4665x1670x2250.
    - Heavy vehicles in 2900.
    - The volume of the trash ( m3) 2
    - The speed sweep ( km / h) 1-15.
    - Max sweep width ( MM) 2500.
    - max speed ( km / h) 30
    - Volume of water tank ( L) 1, 000.
    - Engine Power ( kw / rpm) 57/ 3600.
    - Max sweep capabilities ( 37 500)
    - Type engine isuzu diesel engine
    - completeness of documents Form A, so that it can at BBN.

    Company Contact
    Ms. Yati oktavia SE [Director/CEO/General Manager]
    JL: Makam Mahlawan Komp Taman Juanda Blok P2 no 10
    Bekasi 17111, Jawa Barat
    Valid Address
    Phone Number:
    Phone number of Ms. Yati oktavia SE at Bekasi
    Fax Number:
    Fax number of Ms. Yati oktavia SE at Bekasi
    Windows Live: javazindomarketing@hotmail.com javazindomarketing@hotmail.com
    Google Talk:  javazindo@gmail.com  javazindo@gmail.com
    Y!: alatcleaningservice@yahoo.com 

    Terima Service mesin-mesin- cleaning service - blower keong - vacuum cleaner - polisher machine - Vacuum Industri - sweeper -Small Maintainer - SCRUBER MECHINE -WIND BLOWER Raid on batre dll

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