Specification :
Thick Carpet 1.Cuci.
Thin Carpet 2.Cuci.
Carpet 2.Cuci Moderate.
Suck a thick carpet of dust.
2 Suction Thin Carpet dust.
Carpet dust 3.Sedot Moderate.
Net Melayanai Debu2 The new building is built out.
The method worked well and the carpets are true:
1.Pindahkan furniture, danvacuum cleaner / wet & dry.
Shampoo carpets 2.Gunakan HDSSR untukmembersihkan spots and stains from carpet.
3.Mesin automatic 1 part shampoo shampoo with warm water 8 parts water to a rotary machine or machine polisher: dilusikan a water shampoo with 12 parts warm water.
4.ikuti pemakaiaan instructions for the machine in use.
5.biarkan carpet to dry thoroughly with a dryer using belower carpet or rug.
6.Vacuumlah carpet thoroughly to remove the remaining foam.
7.bilas carpet deodorizer with water.
8.sikat fur rug fur rug to enforce.
Javazindo uses liquid shampoo carpet cleaning kuhsus containing polymers and materials that are soluble in the used carpet air.sampo Javazindo cleaning.Hal save time and frequency is due to soil barrier is a polymer that is used exclusively by javazindo, javazindo usually use the automatic shampoo machine and rotary.
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- Washing carpet in west jakarta.
- Washing the carpet in the center of Jakarta.
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- Washing carpets in Bandung.
- Cleaning your carpet at Cikarang.
- Washing carpets in Jababeka.