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    Bubuk kuning import - chemical - poles marmer -bubuk kuning- poles marmer

    Mar. 27, 2011 11:52:43

    Bubuk kuning import - chemical - poles marmer -bubuk kuning- poles marmer
    Rp.95.000,per kg Rp1.900.000, / pil 20 kg
    Quantity Order:
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    Payment Method:
    Cashier Order
    Pack. & Delivery:
    EMBER PIL 20 kg
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    Specification :

    these drugs or can be spelled out this soap to polish marble, like the powder form awalny but polished or exposed to water after the drug is turned into a gel that can polish the marble so clean, if interested please contact us at

    these drugs or can be spelled out this soap to polish marble powder initial shape, but after a polished or exposed to this drug water turn into a gel that can polish marble becomes shiny and bright and can see the mirror.

    Company Contact
    Ms. Yati oktavia SE [Director/CEO/General Manager]
    JL: Makam Mahlawan Komp Taman Juanda Blok P2 no 10
    Bekasi 17111, Jawa Barat
    Valid Address
    Phone Number:
    Phone number of Ms. Yati oktavia SE at Bekasi
    Fax Number:
    Fax number of Ms. Yati oktavia SE at Bekasi
    Windows Live: javazindomarketing@hotmail.com javazindomarketing@hotmail.com
    Google Talk:  javazindo@gmail.com  javazindo@gmail.com
    Y!: alatcleaningservice@yahoo.com 

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