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Pusat Alat Peraga Terlengkap ( dari TK, SD, SMP, SMU, Politeknik, Universitas dan Umum)
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Mr. Syafei Ibu [Marketing]



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Jl. Pahlawan Revolusi No. 22B
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APPT970232 Operational Amplifier Trainer[Dec. 27, 2010 2:58:29]
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Operational Amplifier Trainer.

The Operational Amplifier Trainer is designed for covering the fundamental concept, theory and application of operational amplifier with descriptive, and easy to understand. Suitable used in vocational schools, high schools until university. The system supplied with power supplies required running the experiments.

Distributed with experiment and operation manual in English or Bahasa Indonesia.

Experiment Topics

* Inverting amplifier,
* Non-inverting amplifier
* Voltage follower
* Summing circuit
* Zero crossing detectors
* Integrator
* Differentiator
* Filter circuits
* Etc.


* Power supply unit
* Operational amplifier ( universal configuration)
* Resistors
* Potentiometers
* Capacitors
* Standard accessories.
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