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Digital Theodolite Pentax - MEDIASURVEY - Sunlite E1 Tester, Ber test STM 1, power Meter, Handy Talky, Rapeater, RIG, Digital Theodolite, Total stations, GPS Trimble, Site Master, Sunset Ber test.

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Digital Theodolite Pentax - MEDIASURVEY - Sunlite E1 Tester,  Ber test STM 1,  power Meter,  Handy Talky,  Rapeater,  RIG,  Digital Theodolite,  Total stations,  GPS Trimble,  Site Master,  Sunset Ber test.
Digital Theodolite Pentax - MEDIASURVEY - Sunlite E1 Tester, Ber test STM 1, power Meter, Handy Talky, Rapeater, RIG, Digital Theodolite, Total stations, GPS Trimble, Site Master, Sunset Ber test.

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  • BenkaMT: : Digital-Theodolite

    BenkaMT: : Digital....


    Product Digital Theodolite-> Topcon Digital Theodolite DT-202L - Topcon Digital Theodolit DT-205L- Topcon Digital Theodolite DT-207L - Topcon Digital Theodolite DT-209L - Nikon....

  • BenkMT : : Digital Theodolite

    BenkMT : : Digital....

    Media Survey Dealer Theodolite Topcon Seperti -> Theodolite Topcon DT-205L, Theodolite Topcon DT-202, Theodolite Tocon DT-209L, dan Total Stations Topcon GTS-235N, Total Stations....

  • BenkMT : : Sunlite E1 Ber Tester

    BenkMT : : Sunlite....

    Nego Call

    Complete :

    * 1 bh Kabel Power
    * 1 bh Kabel SS232 ( Kabel Printer)
    * 2 bh Kabel SS227 ( BNC Cable to Clip )
    * Manual Book
    * Test Certificate
    * Soft Carrying Case


  • BenkMT : : Site Master

    BenkMT : : Site....



    Site Master S331D and S332D covering the 25 MHz to 4000 MHz are designed to accurately locate and identify RF cable feed-line and antenna system faults. These....

  • benkMT : : power meter noyes OPM1

    benkMT : : power....


    This portable optical power meter may be used to measure optical power ( dBm) in premises, telco, or broadband fiber optic networks. When used with an LED or laser light source, ....

  • benk MT : : Total Stataion TOPCON GTS-235N

    benk MT : : Total....

    021- 90266045

    Topcon Total Station GTS-235N

    - Ketelitian Sudut : 5â
    - Ketelitian Jarak : Â ± -( 2mm+ 2ppmxD)
    - Pembesaran Lensa : 30x
    - Ketelitian sudut : 1â / 5â
    - Internal....

  • Ber-Test SunSet E20c

    Ber-Test SunSet E20c

    Negosiasi / utex 081905471152

    Media Survey Sebagai Distributor Alat Komunikasi | Ber test | Sunlite E1 Tester, Sunset E20c, Sunset MTT, SunSet 10G, SunSet SDH, dan Alat Ber Test lainya.

    SunSet E20c

  • Power Meter BIRD 5000EX

    Power Meter BIRD....

    Utex K.A 081905471152

    - BIRD Model 5000EX RF Digital Power Meter.
    - Requires BIRD Model 5010B or Model 5011 Sensor.
    - The New Industry Standard Hand Held RF Power Meter Easy To Operate & Field Ready.

  • SunSet MTT - Modular Test Toolkit

    SunSet MTT - Modular....

    Utex K.A 081905471152

    The Industry' s Broadest Set of Access Network Verification Solutions in a Handheld Test Set


    The SunSet MTT ( Modular Test Toolkit) helps ensure timely delivery of a....

  • telepon satelite R190

    telepon satelite....

    Super Murah

    Calls have been placed successfully across the network using the Ericsson R190. Equivalent to a standard GSM phone in design, size and weighing just over 200 grams, the Ericsson....

  • SunSET 10 G

    SunSET 10 G

    Utex K.A 081905471152

    SunSet 10G

    Advanced SONET and SDH Transmission Testing and Analysis in a Handheld Set

    The SunSet 10G is the industryâ s first true 10 Gbps handheld test set for installing and....

  • Power Meter LPM-3 TA

    Power Meter LPM-3 TA

    Utex K.A 081905471152

    The pocketsized LPM series of Power Meter are designed for performing optical loss measurements on fiber optic cables. It can support accurate testing of single mode and multimode....

  • SunSet STT - Scaleable Test Toolkit

    SunSet STT -....

    Utex K.A 081905471152

    The STT has become a standard tester for many carriers and service providers around the world, with particular features that match the challenge of testing both legacy and next....

  • SunSet SDH

    SunSet SDH

    Bagus{Utex K.A}081905471152

    SDH, PDH, T-carrier, Jitter, Wander, Pulse Mask, service verification, and ATM Testing

    SDH, PDH, T-carrier, Jitter, Wander, Pulse Mask, service verification, and ATM Testing....

  • Handly Talky i-Com V8

    Handly Talky i-Com....


    IC V8 is quality and simplicity anywhere. The function guidance is labeled on the 16 buttons. Channel selection, up to 100 of your favorite frequency setting. Letters and numeral....

  • HT Alinco DJ-196

    HT Alinco DJ-196

    Negosiasi / utex 081905471152

    Alinco has created a new 2 meter HT that sets new standards in features, convenience and easy operation. The DJ-195/ 196 sports an alphanumeric display for easy memory management.....

  • kompas suunto KB-14

    kompas suunto KB-14

    Bagus{Utex K.A}081905471152

    Media Survey-> Kompas KB-14 penunjuk tangan adalah sebuah alat yang sempurna untuk rimbawan, pendiri BTS, para surveyor dan geologist dan yang lainnya. Suunto compass bearing....

  • GPS Trimble

    GPS Trimble

    utex :081905471152

    Media Survey adalah Perusahaan Yang bergerak Di Pengadaan Alat Survey Seperti -> > GPS Trimble, GPS Garmin, Theodolite Digital, Kompas Suunto, Kompas Brunton, Total Stations, ....

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