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    Aktiva Prioritas

    Aktiva Prioritas

    Quantity Order:
    Payment Method:
    Telegraphic Transfer (T/T), Cashier Order, Bank Cheque

    Specification :

    Is an insurance program that provides complete protection up to age 80 years and investing opportunities.

    Benefit Protection of Life:

    + Protection of Life until the age of 80 years at 100% Sum Assured.
    + Maximum benefit of 200% sum assured plus the accumulated investment that is formed if there is risk of dying from accidents up to the age of 70 years.
    + Maximum benefit of 300% sum assured plus the accumulated investment that is formed if there is risk of dying from accidents Public Transport.

    Investment Benefits:

    Accumulated investment that is made up of the funds you pay. Investment Benefits will be paid if:

    + Customer reaching the age of 80 years and the Policy still valid.
    + Policy is canceled or becomes invalid in the period after deducting expenses Cancellation Insurance Policy ( if any) .
    + Participants died of any cause during the Policy still valid.


    + Maximum investment. Accumulated maximum investment because 50% of the funds paid out from first and 100% of funds paid out since the second year onwards will be directly invested into investment units.
    + A complete selection of the types of investment. With a variety of investment options available, you can choose the most suitable investment portfolio to achieve your goals.
    + Flexible. Customers are free to determine the choice and the Investment Fund allocation, withdrawal and the addition of Investment Fund and the huge sum.
    + Additional Insurance. Customers can maximize the benefits of insurance protection by adding Riders ( Riders) , such as Benefits Daily Hospitalization Cash Benefit, Benefits Acquisition Premiums, Benefits Protection against Critical Illness, Term Insurance Benefit Warsa ( Term) .
    + Policy will remain in force even if the customer was unable to pay a premium for Premium Account Value Top Up sufficient to pay the premiums.
    + All Additional Insurance Policy remains in force even in conditions of leave during the Value Premium Automatic Top Up Premium Account sufficient to pay the monthly fee and Insurance Premium Supplement.
    + If the customer makes the payment of the Year Premiums Premiums to-10 and / or Year Premium of the 11th and the withdrawal of accumulated Premium account is not more than 2 times the annual basic premium, we will provide loyalty bonus of 50% of which will be accumulated Premium into the Benefits of Investing.

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