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    Rp.55.000,- per Botol, Netto.450 gram.
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    Specification :

    Versatile Powder Cleanser

    FLASH POWDER is a powder cleanser with fine grains, alkaline builders and surfactants, it is very effective to clean various impurities ( crust / water stains, metal oxidation, rust, oil / grease, and oil) , to quickly and easily on the surface ( porcelain, ceramic , enamel, glass, metal and fiber, and metal) without leaving scratches.

    Product excellence
    v One kefungsian products with a wide range of cleaning, and very quickly picked up various kinds of dirt.
    v Does not cause scratches, and no surface damage when used
    v A refreshing floral scent
    Unraveling v naturally ( biodegradable)
    v Soluble in water ( water soluble)
    v Safe on the material, human and environmental
    v Cleaning of effective and economical

    Usage instructions
    v Dampen surface to be cleaned with a little water
    v Flash Powder Sprinkle on the surface, set the distance sown so as to avoid dust.
    v Brush with tapas tools, rags, brushes, or a machine polisher to a large area.
    v Rinse with water, and if there is a section / area is still dirty repeat once again when needed.

    Product Specifications
    v Shape & Colour: Powder and White
    v pH: 10.00 ± 0.5
    v The particle size: 200-325 mesh
    v Spgr: 49.5 ± 0.5 lbs per foot
    v Cover area: vertical walls, 75-100 M2 / Kg
    Horizontal wall, 100-125 M2 / Kg
    v Foam: Medium
    v Flushing: Fast
    - Keep out of reach of children.
    - Close the package tightly after use
    - Store in a cool, dry
    - Do not use the surface of wood, plastic / mica, the surface painted.
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