Specification :
Powerful access to screen content
Get started today working with all your Microsoft applications using JAWS®, the world's most popular screen reader. Developed for computer users whose vision loss prevents them from seeing screen content, JAWS reads aloud what's on the PC screen.
Compatible with the most frequently-used workplace and classroom applications
JAWS enables you to work with Microsoft® Office Suite, MSN Messenger®, Corel® WordPerfect, Adobe® Acrobat Reader, Internet Explorer™ 7, Firefox™ - and many more applications that are used on a regular basis on the job and in school.
Unmatched braille support
With a refreshable braille display, JAWS also provides braille output in addition to, or instead of, speech. An array of versatile features and customizable options lets you tailor JAWS for your individual needs and preferences.
JAWS features:
Talking Installation - fast and easy
Two multi-lingual speech synthesizers - Eloquenceâ„¢ and RealSpeakâ„¢ Solo SAPI 5
DAISY-formatted basic training in text and audio
More than 15 years experience working with Windows, distributed in 50 countries, and translated into 23 languages
Fully compatible with MAGic® screen magnification software