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Company Contact
Name:Mrs. Uut Marbagyopurwo [Director/CEO/General Manager]
Instant Messaging:
Windows Live: adnews@hotmail.com adnews@hotmail.com
Google Talk:  anadnews@gmail.com  anadnews@gmail.com
Y!: ad.news@ymail.com 
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mrs. Uut Marbagyopurwo at Bojongkulur,Gunung Putri-Cibinong
Phone Number:Phone number of Mrs. Uut Marbagyopurwo at Bojongkulur,Gunung Putri-Cibinong
Fax Number:Fax number of Mrs. Uut Marbagyopurwo at Bojongkulur,Gunung Putri-Cibinong
Address:Vila Mahkota Pesona Blok E3 no.10
Bojongkulur,Gunung Putri-Cibinong 16969, Jawa Barat
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Jan. 7, 2012
Business Nature:Service of Business Services category

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Company Brief

Company engaged in:
1. National print media advertising / electronic
2. printing
3. Design & Printing both Indoor and Outdoor Advertising

The prices we offer very reasonable and competitive
Our experience in this field since 2001.

National Print Media into our Patner:
1. National: The Jakarta Post, Pos Kota, Media Indonesia, Voice Reform, Sindo, Koran Tempo, Republika, Bisnis Indonesia, Guo Ji Ribao, Shangbao Indonesia, City News, IndoPos, etc.
2. West Java: Mind Bandung, West Java Tribune
3. Central Java: Suara Merdeka, DIY: People' s Sovereignty
4. East Java: Java Post, Jakarta Post, Surya
5. Sumatra: Serambi Indonesia, Sriwijaya Post, Bangka Pos, Pos Islands
6. Borneo: Banjarmasin Post, Tribune East Kalimantan, Batam Tribune
7. Eastern Region: Eastern Tribune, Pos Kupang, Timika Pos

Electronic media which became our Patner:
RCTI, Indosiar, Trans TV, SCTV, Lativi, ANTEVE, Global TV, Jak TV, Trans 7

Please contact the Front Desk for more info go to:

Tel: 021 - 9668 6062
Fax: 021-82402530
SMS: 0815 86 7174 95

email: anadnews@ gmail.com or adnews@ hotmail.com

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