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AC BANUA | Rental AC Banjarmasin dan Service AC

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AC BANUA | Rental AC Banjarmasin dan Service AC
AC BANUA | Rental AC Banjarmasin dan Service AC
Company Profile
Company Contact
Name:Mr. Rikval Fachruri [Director/CEO/General Manager]
Instant Messaging:
Y!: rikval_23 
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mr. Rikval Fachruri at Banjarmasin
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. Rikval Fachruri at Banjarmasin
Fax Number:Fax number of Mr. Rikval Fachruri at Banjarmasin
Address:Jl. Simpang Belitung No. 19 RT. 01
Banjarmasin 70116, Kalimantan Selatan
Cabang : Sungai Danau, Asam - Asam, Jorong, Binuang/ Rantau, Tanjung, Marabahan, Kapuas dan Kuala Kurun
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Aug. 18, 2011
Business Nature:Service of Electronics & Electrical category

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Company Brief

AC Banua is the answer to the need for quality and speed of customer service. Starting from the service, maintenance, improvement / repair, design / installation for AC ( air conditioning) and to this growing with the rental air conditioning units. AC Banua is the group CV. MELATI MULYA is a company engaged in the service contractor headquartered in Banjarmasin with the vision and mission and outreach services that are global, which is dedicated to customer satisfaction.

The field work that we are specialized in the machine - cooling machine such as Air Conditioning ( AC) split, auto / heavy equipment, buses, floor standing, chiller, windows, fresher, etc. related to engine cooling, covering:

Rent AC
Design / Installation AC
Periodic AC Service
AC Service Contract
Inspection & Repair AC
Chemical Cleaning / Overhaul

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