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Vista Optima

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Vista Optima
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Name:Mrs. Liza [Marketing]
E-mail:Send Message
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mrs. Liza at Jakarta Selatan
Phone Number:Phone number of Mrs. Liza at Jakarta Selatan
Address:Jl.Bangka Raya no 2
Jakarta Selatan 12720, Jakarta
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Feb. 13, 2012
Business Nature:Service of Office Supplies category

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Company Brief

Vista Optima Indonesia ( VOI) serves address office service with receiving and phone facilities and filling document in our office. If you want to invest your time, we can help you in establish website your company and management system .   With spent Rp 250.000 per month or Rp 350.000 per month ( with phone & fax facility ) you can have your representative office address in South Jakarta. Please don' t hesitate to contact us, we serve your better.      Other service: one page Website of your company just only Rp 350.000 for one year ( please give your business detail for advertising in the website, we can design it) . For every modification you need if the web have already installed only spent Rp 150000 .   Give us copy of Identity card of your director and 2 copies of your company legal letter, phone number and your email address, we are ready to help you . We are open everyday except Holiday and Sunday, Saturday we are open up to 12.00 . Open also for individual. We' re sorry for not available person for application credit card purpose.

Benefit of Virtual Office:
1. You don' t need to make a big investation for the first bussiness, reducing of operator phone/ receptiononist, promotion/ advertising cost, office/ administration cost, etc
2. You can work from home or workshop or your comfortable place and free from the traffic jam in Jakarta.
3. You can have a lot of time for your family, you don' t need to come everyday/ routine to your office.
4. You can go to your customer as you wish, not worry for people stand by in office.
5. Always be informed to your Director/ responsible person for customer order or customer message.
6. Good Address image for your customer, indicate you are a serious businessman/ woman and have a good relationship for collaboration.
7. You' re not worry for improving the new product/ market because of lost for initial investment of office rental cot.

Please contact us at 021-60770407..............limited Place! !

Major Products / Services
    Sewa alamat kantor dan domisili dengan fasilitas fax dan telp atau tanpa fasilitas fax dan telp
  • Surat Keterangan Domisili
    Surat Keterangan Domisili dengan sewa alamat kantor kami untuk periode satu tahun.

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