Specification :
TIARA LAUNDRY is a business unit, which is managed by the performance of reliable and experienced in providing services that move the field Laundry or washing laundry with the concept of iron per kilogram, or per month.
Seeing the increasing of our consumers of the apartement (apartement Mediterranean Ancol, apartement Paris Garden Kelapa Gading, apartement City Home Kelapa Gading, etc) to make the image TIARA LAUNDRY more reliable and we will continue to increase.
Benefits to be obtained with a AGENTS TIARA LAUNDRY among others:
1. Share turnover reached 20%.
2. No investment is issued, because all the equipment and operational equipment that we provide.
3. Mr. no longer need to provide a laundress for the children because all of the costs that we handle (and even fathers will get the profit that is very interesting). With various programs that we offer attractive -> Laundry, for example monthly with only Rp. 100.000, - per month (Visit us at www.Tiaralaundry.com)
4. Raise the image into the God father with the facilities Laundry. This could be a boom in the Strong Point into the God Father.
5. The cost of hygiene will be more intact because the job "guard officers into the God" will be more focused.
6. Kerapihan The cost will be more intact because there were no clothes.
7. Billing electricity & water into the God business will be Mr. decreased drastically due to the use of affairs will lose a total wash.
8. The father will get additional revenue with a AGENTS TIARA & LAUNDRY into the God of consumers around the location of Mr.