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Traditional Market South Sumatera

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Traditional Market South Sumatera
Traditional Market South Sumatera
Company Profile
Company Contact
Name:Ms. Septi Minarni [Sales]
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Ms. Septi Minarni at Palembang
Phone Number:Phone number of Ms. Septi Minarni at Palembang
Address:Jl. Penggawo Rozak Ds. Tg.Batu seb. Kec. Tg.Batu Kab. Ogan Ilir
Palembang 30664, Sumatera Selatan
Average User ReviewThere is no review for this company - Write a review
Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Dec. 11, 2011
Business Nature:Manufacturing, Trade of Gifts & Crafts category

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Assalamualaikum, thank you for taking the time to read this advertisement.
We are SMAN 01 TG.BATU which in this case the duty to promote and sell traditional crafts and home industries typical of South Sumatra. Recently the news about child marriage our president SBY and Mr. economy minister Hatta Rajasa become a hot news you may also see a wedding procession abbas & Aliya, and of course the clothes they wear in the spotlight by anyone who sees it not? Well, the clothes they ( abas & Aliya) wear was made by craftsmen in South Sumatra songket merupakaan Hatta Rajasa own father built, located in the districts. Ogan Ilir Kampoeng Indralaya town craftsmen songket BNI. You can see pictures of the process of making songket songket and certainly that has been prepared in the following motifs marketed and sold prices in our profile folder. Thanks

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