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sotraco international

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sotraco international
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sotraco international


Sotraco International is an Import oriented Firm in the Importation and distribution of t.shirts, bedsheets, Pharmaceutical finish products: HIV/ Prednancy Diagnostic Rapid Test, we are a general consulting company with a singular reputable aim of aiding a vast number of Development and Reconstruction Projects with efficient Multi-Purpose Human aid to meet the high demands of modern Development Schemes, we undertake level of Consultation and Sub- Contract with Direct Labour Agency relative to our diversified fields.
If you avail this opportunity to expand and promote the sales of your Product in West Africa and Sub-African Market, kindly contact us for more details.
Best regards,
20rue de italie
Tel: + 228 9941617
Fax : + 228 2223341
Lome Togo

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